Entrance Ceremony

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Minerva: Welcome to Hogwarts.

Unlike Hagrid, when Professor McGonagall said this, her expression was extremely serious.

Sasuke observed how the first-year students were practically intimidated by the professor.

Minerva: Soon you will join your peers, but first, you will be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.

Sasuke noticed several students grimacing when the professor mentioned the name of the fourth house.

Minerva: While you are here, your houses will be like your families. Your triumphs will earn points, but breaking any rules will result in point deductions. At the end of the year, the house with the most points will receive the House Cup. The sorting ceremony will begin shortly. She said before stepping away, leaving the students alone.

Student 1: Is it true that Harry Potter is in Gryffindor?

Gina: Yes, Harry Potter is in Gryffindor, the best house of all.

Several students began to chat amongst themselves.

Gina: Besides, it was thanks to him that Gryffindor won the House Cup last year.

Student 2: Do you know how the sorting ceremony will work?

Gina: It's kept a secret, but it will be something simple since no student is rejected.

The Muggle-born students listened attentively to what Gina Weasley was saying, but the pureblood students already knew how the sorting worked, as it was simply a matter of placing a hat on their heads, which would decide which house they would belong to. All thanks to pureblood parents, siblings, and cousins who had studied at Hogwarts before them.

Sasuke didn't want to say anything. He didn't want to interact with anyone. He was thinking about how he would return to his world.

Some ghosts began to emerge from the walls.

Ghost 1: AH! He shouted, startling some students.

Ghost 2: Welcome, first years! He said with a smile. I think you're ready for the sorting.

A high-pitched voice echoed through the walls: "The sorting will begin."

Minerva: Form a single line.

The students made a lot of noise trying to form a line.

Behind Sasuke was Gina Weasley. He didn't turn at all to speak to her.

The little wizards left the room one by one, walking down the narrow corridor until they reached the Great Hall.

The Great Hall was an incredibly magnificent room. There were four long tables set side by side, where older students sat, and at the back of the room was a large table filled with professors.

The ceiling reflected the night sky. It was so realistic... Even Sasuke was surprised.

Professor McGonagall placed a stool in front of them and then put a wizard hat on top of the stool.

Sasuke knew this was the famous Sorting Hat.

Minerva: Now, before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words.

Dumbledore: Welcome, new students and returning students for another school year. I would like to introduce the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Gilderoy Lockhart.

Gilderoy Lockhart stood up from the table, waving at everyone present.

Dumbledore: Good luck, Professor. I would like to remind the first-year students and remind the older students that the Forbidden Forest is strictly off-limits to all students. And our caretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind students that the use of magic in the corridors and the Zonko's products is prohibited. The list of prohibited items is on the notice board. Thank you. He said before sitting back down.

Then the hat woke up and, with its hoarse voice, began to speak:

Ah, you may find me unattractive,
But don't judge me by my appearance alone.
I'll eat myself if you can find
A hat more clever than I am.
Keep your black top hats,
Your tall, shiny satin hats,
Because I'm the Sorting Hat of Hogwarts,
And I outshine any other hat.
There's nothing hidden in your head
That the Sorting Hat can't see,
So just put me on your head and I'll tell
Which house at Hogwarts you'll belong to.

Who knows, perhaps your home is Gryffindor,
The house where the daring hearts reside.
Courage, nerve, and chivalry
Set Gryffindor students apart;
Maybe you'll live in Hufflepuff,
Where the just and loyal dwell,
Patient, fair, unafraid of toil;
Or perhaps it's the wise old Ravenclaw,
The house of those whose minds are keen,
Where great spirits and knowledge
Will always find like-minded friends;
Or maybe Slytherin will be your house,
And there you'll find your true friends,
Cunning folk who use any means
To achieve the ends they seek.
Come on, try me out! There's no need to fear!
No need to panic! You'll be in good hands!
(Even if hats don't have feet or hands)
Because I'm one of a kind, I'm a Thinking Hat!

These were stressful minutes for Sasuke. After a few minutes, the hat stopped talking. Professor McGonagall stood next to the stool with a scroll in her hand.

Minerva: When I call your names, step forward so I can place the Sorting Hat on your heads. She said, opening the scroll and holding the hat. Sean Avery.

A student stepped up to the stool and sat down. Then the professor placed the hat on his head.

Hat: Ah, excellent. Hmm... SLYTHERIN.

The Slytherin table began to applaud.

Some first-year students started murmuring.

"Only dark wizards go to Slytherin," some said.

Minerva: Teresa Baker.

Hat: Hmm... I know. RAVENCLAW.

The Ravenclaw table began to applaud.

Minerva: Marcus Belby.


The Ravenclaw table applauded again.

Minerva: Colin Creevey.


The Gryffindor table began to applaud.



Minerva: Astoria Greengrass.


The Slytherin table applauded once more.

Minerva: Luna Lovegood.


The Ravenclaw table applauded again.



Minerva: Eloise Midgen.


The Hufflepuff table applauded again.

Minerva: Zacharias Smith.


The Hufflepuff table applauded once more.

Minerva: Sasuke Uchiha.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now