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Sasuke had exited the Forbidden Forest in just 15 minutes. Realizing it would take longer, he left a note pinned to a tree and returned to the castle.

As he walked back to his common room, he found someone waiting for him: Hermione. A few Slytherins nearby watched her; they didn't attack because Sasuke had ordered them not to harm anyone unless provoked first. They looked at her with challenging stares, hoping she would make a move. If they lied, Sasuke would know, and they would face the consequences. They were more fearful now, having heard what he had done to Sirius Black.

Sasuke: Hermione, what are you doing here?

Hermione: I want to talk to you.

Sasuke: Then come in; it doesn't make sense to talk out here.

Everyone was surprised when the two entered and settled into the sofas near the fireplace.

Sasuke: You can speak.

Hermione: Is it really necessary for all of them to be here?

Sasuke: Be brief; I have commitments.

Hermione sighed and finally spoke.

Hermione: Was it necessary to brutally hurt Sirius Black?

Sasuke: What did you expect me to do? Just knock him out? He tried to kill me with the Killing Curse. If it weren't for Madame Nora, I'd be dead.

Hermione: It didn't have to come to that.

Sasuke: You must understand that if you're going to kill someone, you need to be prepared to risk your own life as well. You should be grateful he's still alive.

Hermione: Sasuke, they had to amputate his leg!

Sasuke: That's not my problem. Besides, he had already tried to kill before, back when he was a student, and was let go without facing any consequences. Look where that got him: trying to kill another student.

Hermione: It can't be; how is that possible?

Sasuke: Dumbledore covered for him. I don't know what he did to the victim—whether he threatened or bribed them.

Hermione: We're talking about Dumbledore. He wouldn't do something like that.

Sasuke: He admitted it.

Sasuke: He has a special fondness for Gryffindor, so tell me what punishment he'll impose on Potter and the others who tried to attack me.

Hermione: Professor McGonagall will handle it; she'll give them detentions.

Sasuke: You think that will be enough? You saw that spell, didn't you? "Sectusempra."

Hermione: But you hit Harry too hard.

Sasuke: Did you see that pool of blood? Imagine if Professor Snape hadn't arrived; no one would have been able to stop the bleeding. You know what would have happened, don't you?

Hermione fell silent, lost in her thoughts.

Sasuke: If there's nothing else to say...

Hermione: Please don't attack any more Gryffindors.

Sasuke: Then tell them that if they attack me, I will defend myself. And if they attack anyone from Slytherin, they will face the wrath of the entire house. And don't worry, the Slytherins won't attack anyone. We just want to live in peace.

Hermione: But...

Sasuke: Has anyone from Slytherin attacked anyone from another house or you?

Hermione: No.

Sasuke: See? We just want to live in peace.

Hermione knew there was nothing more to say. As she turned to leave, Sasuke called out to her.

Sasuke: Hermione, since you're friends with Sirius Black, tell him that his map was burned to ashes.

Hermione: The map? The Marauder's Map? — she thought.

Hermione: Why did you burn it?

Sasuke: What else could I do? That map showed everyone in the castle in real-time, where they were and what they were doing. He used it to ambush me. Who knows how many days he followed me, waiting for me to be alone so he could kill me, and he still asks why I burned it.

After Hermione left, Sasuke went to his room to read the letter Mr. Scrimgeour had sent him.

The letter simply read: "It worked."


Thousands of kilometers west of Hogwarts, at a military base, Scrimgeour stood with some mercenaries as the combat helicopter powered its engines and lifted into the air. Several of them were casting spells, but the helicopter continued to function.

Cheers erupted from the mercenaries.

Moses (Mercenary): We finally did it!

Steve (Mercenary): It took too long, but it was worth it.

Leslie (Squibs): Now we can fight these bastards on equal terms.

Eugene (Squibs): We had to create a new circuit and integrate it with the helicopter, which functions as a neutron interference canceller.

Scrimgeour: Sasuke has already coordinated with the Muggle minister in case we could make the helicopter work. And to request seven more helicopters and two F-35 Lightning fighter jets.

Leslie (Squibs): It took us months to create the new circuit, and you want us to make fighter jets work? We'd have to start from scratch.

Scrimgeour: Good luck with that,** he said as he walked away.

Moses (Mercenary): It will be worth it; I still remember the frustration we felt that day,** he said, clenching his fists.

Moses (Mercenary) noticed and understood.

Leslie (Squibs): Well, let's deal with the helicopters first. Then we'll take care of the planes.

The others nodded.


Four Months Earlier

Scrimgeour: I've already trained you about the magical world. As you know, the war waits for no one. The few Aurors we have are not enough, so you'll need to go out to fight and gain experience.

Moses (Mercenary): Finally! We've been bored being stuck here.

Bruce (Mercenary): When can we go kill some Death Eaters?

All the mercenaries were more than willing to go into battle.

Scrimgeour: You will go in teams of six and take four house-elves per team.

Douglas (Mercenary): I won't complain; they're quite useful.

Scrimgeour: Go to the warehouse to pick up the weapons you'll be using. Each team will have two communication mirrors. From the base, we'll keep you informed.

Minister: Take this,** he said, handing a package to each of them.

Scott (Squibs): What is this?

Minister: Fake IDs for police, Interpol, and NCA. With these, you won't have any problems. Additionally, there's cash included. The GMC G-Series G-15 trucks are ready with new plates.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now