The Assassin Mage II

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Voldemort's smile vanished, and his expression showed pure hatred.

Sasuke disappeared from everyone's sight and reappeared behind Voldemort. He shouted CHIDORI and extended his arm to pierce the bald man.

But Voldemort simply vanished and reappeared two meters away from the emo.

Everyone was incredulous, watching how both moved at incredible speed and, above all, seeing the emo's hand covered in lightning.

Voldemort: Did you really think I wouldn't be informed about you?

Sasuke: I wanted to end this quickly—he thought, casting the nonverbal spell Colovarios Oculus on himself and then activating the Sharingan.

Voldemort: If you won't come to me, I will come to you, he said, pointing his wand. CRUCIO!

Sasuke moved to the side, dodging the curse.

Sasuke shouted, WIND SPEAR! Several wind spears were launched toward Voldemort.

Voldemort simply vanished and reappeared behind the emo. Sasuke, feeling his presence, quickly moved away.

Moody, Sirius, Tonks, and Arthur cast spells that were blocked by Voldemort.

Voldemort: DON'T INTERFERE! he shouted, waving his wand, and a large serpent of fire slithered toward them.

Moody: AT MY SIGNAL, ALL CAST PROTEGO! he shouted, waiting for the serpent to get close enough. NOW, PROTEGO! Several shields appeared, containing the serpent.

Sasuke took advantage of this moment of distraction to launch a Chidori, but Voldemort turned to mist, and the emo passed right through him without inflicting damage.

Voldemort: That won't work on me. I've been informed about everything concerning you.

Sasuke: Damn, this ability is similar to Obito's—he thought.

Sasuke and Voldemort exchanged glances for a moment, but nothing happened.

Voldemort: I can't use Legilimency on him—he thought.

Sasuke/Voldemort: He must be an expert in Occlumency—they thought simultaneously.

Voldemort silently cast a green light spell toward the emo.

Sasuke performed a series of hand seals and shouted, EARTH STYLE, MUD WALL JUTSU! A large wall rose, but Voldemort's spell struck the wall, causing it to explode.

Sasuke lunged toward Voldemort, launching fireballs. Voldemort manipulated a source of water to create a shield, but along with the fireballs, the emo threw some kunai.

Voldemort simply vanished, evading the attack.

Sasuke: He's just toying with me. If I use Susanoo, I'll just waste energy due to that ability. Amaterasu isn't an option either, as it will impact anything behind him—he thought.

Sasuke: I have to do something against that ability—he thought. Voldemort seized this distraction to launch several silent Crucio.

Sasuke: Damn—he thought, preparing to jump, but Voldemort appeared behind him and shouted, EXPULSO!

Sasuke was thrown to the ground, and Voldemort, flying above the emo, shouted, AVADA KEDAVRA!

Everyone screamed SASUKE! but the emo reacted just in time and dodged the curse.

Voldemort: I wonder if he will dodge this—he thought, glancing at the others.

A fire serpent appeared behind him and lunged toward the emo.

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