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The next day, Sasuke and Luna set off for the Charms class, where Professor Flitwick was waiting. Everyone entered the classroom, but instead of the usual desks, there were cushions.

Flitwick: Good morning, class. Today we will be studying the Repelling Charm.

Flitwick: The Repelling Charm (Depulso) is a very powerful spell that pushes away objects and living beings. The targets are thrown a certain distance, depending on the strength of the spell.

Flitwick: Due to its effect, it is the counter-spell to the Summoning Charm. Unlike it, the Repelling Charm repels anything that is pointed at by the wand.

Flitwick: Pay close attention to the movement of my wand. When you pronounce the name of the charm, make the "P" sound more pronounced.

The professor waved his wand and shouted, "Depulso," sending several cushions flying against the wall.

Everyone was impressed. They divided into groups to practice while retrieving the cushions.

After lunch, Sasuke had Transfiguration with Gryffindor.

McGonagall: Good afternoon, class. Today we will learn about Vanishing, the art of making objects disappear, where things go to non-existence.

McGonagall: It is one of the four branches of Transfiguration and the opposite of Conjuration (another branch), which brings things into existence.

Everyone took out their quills and began to jot down the professor's explanation.

McGonagall: Vanishing seems moderately difficult and is considered one of the hardest transfigurations to perform and a N.E.W.T.

McGonagall: The difficulty of performing Vanishing is positively correlated with the complexity of the organism to be vanished (for example, invertebrates are easier to vanish than vertebrates).

McGonagall: The spell is called "Evanesco." Now, watch the movement of my wand. The professor pointed at a rat and shouted, "Evanesco." The rat disappeared before everyone's eyes.

McGonagall: Very well, now let's practice. Each of you take a snail and practice the spell.

Everyone got up and began working, but the only one who succeeded was Sasuke, who managed it on his first attempt, earning 10 points for Slytherin, while everyone else who failed had to submit two parchments about the spell.

After dinner, Sasuke went to the Forbidden Forest and leaped from tree to tree until he reached its base. Upon arrival, he began training his new technique. First, he closed his eyes and opened his arms, focusing on concentrating the air around him. He was using chakra and magic to make the air circulate around him like a cyclone. At the slightest distraction, the cyclone would disappear.


Hours earlier, in the Room of Requirement, everyone was reviewing the spells. Some complained about not learning new spells. Harry was walking among the students while they practiced. There were three students executing the spells with excellence: Hermione, Luna, and Zacharias.

Hermione approached Harry and whispered,

Hermione: You're staring at Cho a lot; try to be less obvious.

Harry was about to say something but chose to remain silent. Cho and Cedric always practiced together; they were considered the official couple of D.A.

When the meeting ended, Harry congratulated everyone for mastering the spells, especially Neville.

Harry: Since this is the last meeting before Christmas, when we return, we will start practicing the Patronus.

Everyone was excited to learn the Patronus until a light rabbit appeared, hopping around the students. Everyone saw that the owner of the rabbit was Luna.

Hermione: When did you master the Patronus?

Luna: About two years ago.

Everyone was surprised and started asking questions: How? Who taught you? Why didn't you say anything?

Luna: I'm not the only one who can perform a corporeal Patronus; Zacharias can do it too. Besides, it was Sasuke who taught us.

Ron: What are your forms?

Zacharias: This is mine - he said as a Patronus in the shape of a badger, the symbol of Hufflepuff, appeared.

Luna: Sasuke couldn't produce a corporeal Patronus, only a shield.

Ron: So, in the end, he's not that perfect.

Most of the boys nodded, but Hermione was looking at Luna's Patronus with envy since she herself hadn't learned the spell yet.

Everyone left after hearing Luna's explanation about the Patronus. The next morning, Sasuke had Care of Magical Creatures with Hufflepuff.

Zacharias and Sasuke were discussing the magical creature Hagrid would present.

Once all the students arrived, Hagrid introduced a small animal that looked like a mole, called a Niffler.

Hagrid: A Niffler is a magical creature that seeks treasure with its broad snout. They are attracted to shiny things, so it's advised not to wear jewelry near these creatures.

Hagrid: For today's lesson, I've hidden 100 gold coins in this area. Each of you will take a Niffler and instruct it to find these coins. The one with the most coins will win a prize.

Everyone took the Nifflers and began instructing them, but the girls were more focused on petting the creatures.

The lesson continued, and the winner was Sean Avery, who received a prize consisting of a Honeydukes chocolate bar.

As they were leaving, Sasuke saw Astoria faint. Before she hit the ground, he quickly moved and caught her.

All the students gathered around Sasuke, looking at Astoria. Hagrid checked to see if she was breathing and then told Sasuke to accompany him to the hospital wing.

Hagrid instructed the Slytherins to inform Daphne and tell her to go to the hospital wing. Then, he and Sasuke, who was carrying Astoria, ran toward the infirmary.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now