Teaching the Patronus

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In the library were Sasuke and Luna. The emo was reading a book about the Patronus, while the blonde was finishing her homework.

Sasuke: Are you sure he can help us with this? - He asked.

Luna: Of course, my dad has extensive knowledge of magic. Besides, when I asked Professor Flitwick about wand transfiguration, he asked if I was joking with him.

Sasuke nodded and continued reading.

Luna: I'm done. - She said, putting away her parchment and looking at the book the emo was reading. - Is this book about the Patronus? Can you cast it yet? Let me see! - She asked excitedly.

Sasuke: I haven't mastered it yet, so it's impo... - He didn't finish, as he was interrupted by Luna.

Luna: That doesn't matter. Let's learn together! - She said, standing up and moving away.

Sasuke was confused by Luna's reaction and even more confused when she returned, dragging Zacharias along.

Luna: Studying in a group helps with learning. - She said with a smile.

Sasuke/Zacharias: When did I agree to this?

The three of them read the book, with Sasuke in the middle, Zacharias to the right, and Luna to the left.

Sasuke: This ancient and mysterious spell conjures a magical guardian, a projection of all the happy feelings of a wizard. The Patronus charm is complicated, and many witches and wizards are unable to produce a corporeal Patronus. A guardian that takes the form of an animal with which the wizard has a deep affinity.

Luna: We just need to have happy thoughts. It's simple. - She said with a smile.

Sasuke: How is it simple if I've been trying for four months without success? - He thought.

The three of them went to the garden and started practicing.

Sasuke: Expecto Patronum, Expecto Patronum, Expecto Patronum. - He said, but with no success.

Zacharias smiled at seeing that the emo was unsuccessful.

Zacharias: Let's see, Luna said it's just about having happy thoughts. - He thought, picking up his wand and making the motion.

Zacharias: Expecto Patronum. - He said, but nothing happened.

Zacharias: Expecto Patronum, Expecto Patronum, Expecto Patronum.

He heard someone snicker at him, and that someone was the emo. Zacharias was about to say something but chose to remain silent.

Zacharias: The memory I used wasn't strong enough. Maybe this one... - He thought.

Zacharias: Expecto Patronum, Expecto Patronum, Expecto Patronum.

Zacharias: I used the memory of when my dad gave me a signed Wigtown Wanderers poster. - He thought. - This is hard. - He thought, feeling down.

Sasuke: Why do the requirements for this damn spell have to be happy memories? - He thought.

They both saw a glow and noticed that from Luna's wand came a white mist.

Sasuke/Zacharias: She succeeded on her first try. - They thought.


Minutes earlier:

Luna had her eyes closed as she searched for a happy memory. Her mind was flooded with memories: when she became friends with Ginny, even though they could only play together every two months due to the distance between their homes; when they arrived at Hogwarts, and she hoped to spend more time with her friend, but they were sorted into different houses.

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