Second Wand

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The Slytherin celebration lasted for days while classes continued as usual. The students from other houses began to avoid Sasuke after he caught a Bludger with his hand, starting to fear him.

That night, both Team 1 and Team 2 received a note asking them to gather in the Room of Requirement on Wednesday at 6 o'clock to train together.

Everyone was excited, thinking about the kind of training they would receive.

Astoria: Luna, how did you get your other wand?

Everyone turned to look at her when they heard the question.

Luna: Sasuke gave it to me as a Christmas gift. He has one too. We did some research to transfigure them.

Draco: Did you succeed?

Luna: Yes, but it was difficult. I had to ask my dad and Professor Flitwick for help.

Daphne: That's impressive.

Draco: Curious. Dad told me that some wizards have more than one wand for practicing forbidden spells. In case of a Ministry review, they only hand over the wand they use in public, he thought.

Gina: That's really useful. If you lose one during a fight, you won't be defenseless.

Astoria: How did you get the second one? I assume the Ministry wasn't aware since the wands we bought initially are registered.

Luna: Sasuke found an easier way. He had it made in another country.

Daphne: Did you travel together?

Luna: No, he took my wand to another manufacturer to make an identical one, like a twin wand. At first, it took a while to get it to work properly, but Sasuke told me to alternate between both to get used to it.

Astoria: We should also get a second twin wand. It would be a great help. Luna, could you teach us how to transfigure them to hide them?

Luna: Of course.

Draco noticed how Zacharias and Gina looked at Luna's second wand with envy. He knew that obtaining another wand illegally would cost a lot.

Draco: Gina, Zacharias, can you lend me your wands after training?

Gina: Why?

Draco: I'm going to have another one made for you.

Zacharias: That's not necessary.

Draco: It will be my Christmas gift. Besides, we're a team.

Gina wanted to argue, but she also wanted a second wand. Previously, her goal was to find evidence that the emo was a dark wizard. However, the more time she spent with him and the other Slytherins, the more she realized they weren't as bad as her family portrayed them since she was little.

Gina: Thank you, Draco.

Draco: Then let's do this, so they'll be ready before the Christmas holidays.

Zacharias: But how are we going to do magic?

Draco: You'll have to skip all the classes where a wand is needed.

Astoria: But that's almost all of them.

Daphne: We'll have to endure it.

Luna: Daphne, I'll lend you my second wand. - She said while removing one of her earrings and transfiguring it. - We can make up the excuse that we're studying hard for our O.W.L.s.

Draco: I'll make sure they're ready as soon as possible.

Zacharias: Okay, thank you, Draco.

Everyone went to the Room of Requirement, where the emo was waiting for them.

There were six targets on the walls, but they didn't know what they would be doing.

Sasuke: I've been thinking about your training, but I need more information.

Daphne: About us?

Sasuke: Yes, I want to know your magic limits. I want you to cast the spell "Expelliarmus" at those targets until you can't anymore.

The six of them positioned themselves and shouted, "Expelliarmus."


Meanwhile, in the Gryffindor Tower, the mood had calmed down since the match against Slytherin. Ron and Lavender had started dating, while Harry was worried because he didn't know who to invite to Slughorn's party, in addition to trying to meet Dumbledore's request.

Hermione, on the other hand, was reading a letter with a thoughtful expression.

Harry approached and asked if she was okay.

Hermione: I'm fine. I just wanted to confirm something, but the results aren't what I expected.

Harry: What do you mean?

Hermione: Well, I asked Cho Chang for help to investigate Sasuke.

Harry: Why Cho?

Hermione: The surname Uchiha isn't European; it's Japanese or Chinese.

Harry: Did you find anything?

Hermione: Nothing. There's no Uchiha surname in the magical community of the Asian continent. Cho Chang's relatives couldn't find anything; it's as if that surname appeared out of nowhere.

Harry: Maybe it's a Muggle surname.

Hermione: I thought the same, but her non-magical relatives couldn't find any information about that surname either.

Harry: And his parents?

Hermione: They are always traveling; I don't even know their names.

Harry: Why are you investigating him so much? Sirius already said he's a dark wizard.

Hermione: Just because he uses magic we don't know doesn't make him a dark wizard. - She said as she walked away, knowing that if she stayed, it could start an argument.


Back in the Room of Requirement, three hours had passed. Only Daphne and Draco were still casting the "Expelliarmus" spell; the others were kneeling due to exhaustion.

Thirty minutes later, Draco and Daphne were also exhausted.

Sasuke: I understand.

Draco: What do you understand?

Sasuke: You don't use magic correctly.

Gina: Of course we know how to use it properly.

Sasuke: You made several serious mistakes.

1. You don't distribute your magic well, which is why you expend more energy on a simple spell.

2. You're too slow during casting.

3. Your physical condition is average; you need to improve it urgently.

4. You need to learn about yourselves.

Luna: Of course we know ourselves.

Sasuke: No. You don't even know how much magic you have in your bodies and what your spell-casting limits are.

No one said anything; they just thought about the amount of magic in their bodies.

Sasuke: The training now will focus on improving your physical condition. We'll start by running. I'll tell you when to stop. After that, you'll go through an obstacle course.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now