Inquisitorial Squad

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The next morning, when the Daily Prophet arrived for Hermione, she opened it, glanced at the first page, and let out a squeal that made everyone around her turn to look.

Harry/Ron: What? – they asked.

In response, she spread the newspaper out on the table in front of the boys and pointed to ten black-and-white photographs that filled the entire front page, nine featuring wizards and the tenth a witch. Some of them were silently sneering; others drummed their fingers on the frames of the portraits with insolence. Each photo bore a caption with a name and the crime for which the person had been sent to Azkaban.

Hermione: Antonin Dolohov – the caption read under the pale, twisted-faced wizard who was smirking mockingly at Harry, convicted for the brutal murder of Gideon and Fabian Prewett.

Hermione: Augustus Rookwood – it continued beneath the photo of the man with pockmarked skin and greasy hair, leaning on the edge of the photo with a bored expression. – Convicted for passing secrets to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. – But Harry's gaze was drawn to the photo of the witch. Her face had stood out the moment he turned the page. She had long, dark hair that looked unkempt and messy, although he had seen it silky, thick, and shiny. She glared at him through heavy eyelids, a smug, disdainful smile playing on her lips. Like Sirius, she retained attractive features, but something – perhaps Azkaban – had taken most of her beauty.

Hermione: Bellatrix Lestrange, convicted for the torture and permanent incapacitation of Frank and Alice Longbottom. – Hermione nudged Harry and pointed to the headline above the photos, which he had yet to read as he was focused on Bellatrix:




Meanwhile, at the Slytherin table, everyone was discussing the news, with some animatedly worried. Sasuke didn't care much; he was waiting for "Wanted: Dead or Alive" posters to be published.

Classes continued as normal, but the murmurs about the news persisted until a new decree was issued:


Teachers are prohibited from passing on information to students that is not strictly related to the subjects for which they are paid to teach.

The above order is in accordance with Educational Decree Number Twenty-Six.

Signed: Dolores Jane Umbridge, High Inquisitor.


The DA meetings continued as usual, and most students were mastering the Patronus as a shield, though they still struggled with the corporeal form. They also sought instructions from Luna, Harry, and Zacharias.

Gradually, more students joined the DA, and all had to sign the parchment. They were excited to practice, learn, and improve their spells.

After a discussion about Quidditch, everyone wished good luck to Cho Chang for her to defeat Slytherin.

Seamus: Cho, you're definitely going to beat Uchiha with your Firebolt.

Ron: Although we lost to Ravenclaw, all the Gryffindors are rooting for you to win against Slytherin.

Harry: Yeah, you're a great Seeker; you're sure to win.

Everyone was cheering on Cho.

Cho: I don't have the courage to say that Sasuke Uchiha lent me the Firebolt so we could defeat them. I have to hand the Firebolt over to Cedric without anyone seeing. – She thought nervously.


Umbridge, suspecting that a group was forming right under her nose, was informed by Willy Widdershins about a group of students gathering at the Hog's Head Inn. But that wouldn't be enough; she needed proof, and as soon as she got it, she would expel all the members.

Umbridge was thinking of a way to catch them, as she couldn't spend all day searching for them. She had the following thought: If they're students, then the best way to catch them is by using students; fight fire with fire.

She decided to form a group that would support her vision to keep watch over both students and teachers.

The chosen students would be from Slytherin due to their pure blood status. Umbridge summoned Draco Malfoy to her office.

Hours later:

Draco: You called for me, Professor?

Umbridge: Yes, have a seat, Draco. Lucius spoke very highly of you, and I would like us to be friends and for you to support me in something.

Draco: What would you like me to support you in, Professor?

Umbridge: I suspect that there's an illegal group created by Mr. Potter at Hogwarts, but I don't have proof, so I want you to help me.

Draco: But how?

Umbridge: I'm going to create this: The Inquisitorial Squad, a select group of students that supports the Ministry of Magic to maintain peace and security at Hogwarts.

Umbridge: The members of the Squad will have the authority to deduct points, review correspondence when necessary, among other benefits.

Umbridge: So, please, Mr. Malfoy, help me capture them.

Draco: Alright, Professor.

Weeks passed, and the Inquisitorial Squad found nothing, which greatly frustrated them. The squad members were chatting in the common room.

Draco Malfoy: (Slytherin) (Inquisitorial Chief of the I.S.)

Gregory Goyle: (Slytherin) (Inquisitor of the I.S.)

Vincent Crabbe: (Slytherin) (Inquisitor of the I.S.)

Pansy Parkinson: (Slytherin) (Inquisitor of the I.S.)

Millicent Bulstrode: (Slytherin) (Inquisitor of the I.S.)

Graham Montague: (Slytherin) (Inquisitor of the I.S.)

C. Warrington: (Slytherin) (Inquisitor of the I.S.)

The last visit to Hogsmeade was approaching, and the girls were no longer interested in continuing the investigation.

Draco: Blast, weeks have passed, and we've got nothing.

The other members were trying to reassure him, but Draco, in his mind, thought he was disappointing his father by not getting results.

Draco: I need help, but who could assist me? – he thought, and at that moment, the emo entered the common room.

Draco stood up and quickly left the common room, heading to Umbridge's office.

Umbridge: Come in.

Draco: Good evening, Professor. Sorry to disturb you so late.

Umbridge: No problem. Did you find any proof?

Draco: No, I still haven't found any proof, but I know you can help, which is why I came to ask for your assistance.

Umbridge: My help in what sense?

Draco: Allow Sasuke Uchiha to join the Inquisitorial Squad.

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