Borgin and Burkes

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It was already night, and all the residents of the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix were exhausted from spending the entire day cleaning the house. But when dinner time came, it felt more like a funeral, as there was a woman who was very sad, and that woman was Nymphadora Tonks.

Tonks: I'll never watch over him again.

Hermione/Ginny: Watch over who?

Tonks: Uchiha.

Hermione/Ginny: Why?

Tonks: My mission was to watch him. I came up with a plan to get close to him directly. I was going to seduce him, but... he rejected me more than 50 times. I changed my appearance over and over again, but he always rejected me.

Tonks: Do you know what it feels like to be rejected by the same person more than 50 times? – she said with teary eyes. – He always said the same things, 'Go away,' 'You're annoying'... My heart was broken many times.

The boys didn't know whether to laugh or feel sorry, while the girls tried to cheer Tonks up.

Hermione whispered to the boys to compliment Tonks to boost her self-esteem.

The boys had to praise her many times before she stopped feeling bad. Calmer now, Tonks told everyone what Uchiha did during her watch before losing track of him. Everything was heard by the members while Molly looked at her with disapproval.

Molly asked for this year's supply list so she could buy them on her trip to Diagon Alley, but everyone who still attended Hogwarts said the list hadn't arrived yet.


Four days later, the emo returned to Borgin and Burkes to see if he had gathered all the information.

Borgin: It took a while, but I got as much information as possible. This person left England more than 10 years ago. He took a portkey to Romania, and after that, there was no sign of him. I spoke to my contacts in Romania, and they informed me that there were sightings of him in Transylvania.

Sasuke: If there were sightings of him in Transylvania, why didn't the Ministry act to capture him?

Borgin: Because he was outside the Ministry's jurisdiction and also because he doesn't pose a threat to Fudge's government.

Sasuke: You have a portkey.

Borgin: Yes.

Sasuke: Here – he said, handing over a pouch full of galleons. – And don't even think about telling anyone about my business – he said, releasing his killing intent, making Borgin tremble.

Once the emo left, Borgin, now alone and breathing heavily, drew his wand and pointed it at his own head. He extracted the memories of the emo and all the business they had done and placed them in a container.

Borgin pointed his wand at the container and shouted "REDUCTO," making the container explode and the memories disappear forever.


Sasuke was walking, wearing his anbu uniform, making sure he wasn't being followed. He walked to the location where the illegal portkey was that would take him to Transylvania.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now