Prologue V

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It was 3:00 PM in the small village of Little Hangleton. The village had returned to its peaceful days after the scandal involving theories of a terrorist attack or a meteor crash in the cemetery had subsided. These reports had attracted several journalists and even tourists.

Although the villagers disliked having their peace interrupted, this event had been beneficial for the town, as businesses flourished greatly.

In a local restaurant, a young woman named Silvia worked as a waitress to help with the family business. She sighed, bored, as she saw the same elderly patrons every day.

But her expression changed when a young boy, around 14 or 15 years old, walked in. She was stunned, as she had never seen him before.

Sasuke: Could you bring me the menu?

Silvia said nothing, feeling nervous at the sight of the boy.

Sasuke: Could you bring me the menu— He repeated, and Silvia quickly ran to fetch it.

Sasuke: Excuse me, can I ask you a few questions?

Silvia: Of course, ask whatever you like— She said excitedly, while her mother, standing behind the counter, chuckled at her daughter's behavior.

Sasuke: I'm an investigator of urban legends. Do you happen to know of any urban legends around this area?

Silvia felt a little disappointed that he didn't ask anything about her, but she still shared local urban legends, like the mysterious death of all the residents at the Riddle mansion. She also mentioned how the Riddles' son had run away with the daughter of Marvolo Gaunt, the village madman, and the most recent event in the cemetery.

Sasuke listened attentively and, once she finished, asked if she knew where Marvolo Gaunt's house was located.

Everyone in the village knew where it was, but no one went near it. Silvia gave him directions, and after a while, he left.

Upon arrival, the boy saw the house in ruins, but he could feel protective magic surrounding it. Cutting-curse traps were triggered, but thanks to his reflexes, he dodged them. He kept avoiding them until he grew tired and the ribs of his Susanoo manifested around him to shield him.

Upon entering a room, he found the source of the curse protecting the ring.

Sasuke: Amaterasu!

Black flames engulfed the ring, and a scream of horror echoed through the house. As the metal melted, the stone at the center began to show cracks, but then it started to repair itself. However, the fire continued burning.

The scene was one of both destruction and repair at the same time, but the flames kept growing as the fire began to spread around the house, until the stone shattered into pieces.

Sasuke extinguished the flames to prevent them from consuming the house and attracting curious onlookers. Then, he stepped out of the house and summoned Winky, and the two of them disappeared.


Thousands of kilometers away from Little Hangleton,

Due to the return of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, shops in Diagon Alley were closing earlier, and aurors patrolled the streets. However, in Knockturn Alley, the situation was quite the opposite, with wizards walking around without concern.

Two individuals were walking under invisibility cloaks to avoid drawing attention: Lupin and Mundungus.

Lupin: We finally got a lead. It's very hard to get information from your contacts.

Mundungus: That's why I said we needed to bring more money.

They walked towards Borgin and Burkes.

Lupin: Who would have thought Sasuke Uchiha was involved with old Borgin?

Mundungus: Maybe Sirius was right about him.

Mundungus: Remember when Snape sent a report on Sasuke Uchiha? Besides his excellent performance, he mentioned that Mr. Uchiha is able to create his own spells in a way that only he can use them.

Lupin wore a doubtful expression.

Lupin: That's not so alarming. What worried me was Madame Pince's report. Thanks to Umbridge, he got a pass and read every book in the restricted section.

They entered the shop and quickly disarmed Borgin, tying him to a chair.

Lupin: Borgin, we don't have time. Tell us everything you know about Sasuke Uchiha, and don't even think about lying— He said as sparks flew from his wand.

Meanwhile, Mundungus lowered the blinds.

???: You're late— came a voice from another room.

Mundungus and Lupin raised their wands and saw five Death Eaters appear along with Voldemort himself.

A fight broke out, but they were easily defeated.

Voldemort: What do we have here, two members of the Order of the Phoenix.

Borgin: I already told you everything, please let me go.

Voldemort: How dare you interrupt me— He said, pointing his wand— AVADA KEDAVRA.

They all watched as Borgin's lifeless body fell to the ground. Mundungus was trembling while Lupin had a serious expression.

Voldemort: I only need one of you to get the information I want.

Lupin: I'd rather die than betray my frie...


Mundungus fell lifeless to the floor.

Remus: I was challenging you, why did you kill him?

Voldemort: Because it's more fun to break those who resist. Let's go— They all vanished, leaving the shop completely destroyed and the Dark Mark hanging in the sky.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now