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Jason says I think u need to get laid !!! This floors me .. like mouth wide open can't speak. Just shocked. He go's on to explain that someday some guy is gonna shut that pretty Lil mouth of urs. I can't speak. It would really change ur life. Maybe u could even find ur self happy. I laugh hard .. and sex is gonna do all that ? Right. Some girl oh so lied to YOU. lol specially if u think ur sex can do all that. That thing would have to be made of kryptonight .. baha. This guy. Really. Jason walks around the counter to where I'm standing . And says who says it's not. In a flirty sorta manner. I laugh at him. And we wasn't talking about my sex.. he looks at me with his eye brow arched it some kinda why did u refer to my sex sorta way . I quickly move out from in front of him. And keep this going. So if ur weren't talking of ur self then u know of other guys who have sex so good they have the ability to change my bitchy angry ways. Please tell me how u know of these men. I laugh pretty hard .. he looks at me and says. Some dick would really help u. I'm again in shock.. but I don't want to show it this time. I want to keep going. U speak so highly of it. Maybe it's done u well.. u know from experience. .. he looks at me like I must have fell right off the turnup truck today. No. Can't say I've been dicked ever.. he laughs . Just take my word for it. ..I say .. I can't believe that for a second that sex will make me happy and cheerful and or nice. The look on my face must have said. Total disbelief. . My mom has sex every night and she's the worst bitch on planet earth. She's never happy . Jason actually ponders thus for a min. Your right there is no hope for you. He says. This makes me smile. See. I told ya. So if sex can't change anything but when someone Is gonna call me mommy. I just can't for life of me see why I need it right now. ITS FUN ,IT FEELS GOOD. he yells at me. In a funny voice. That makes me laugh. Look boy hay rides are fun. Don't mean I wanna run out and jump in the back of ol farmer Joe's truck ... beside there is a good chance u could get more then just a ride. ... Jason is laughing at me really hard. But then he stops and looks at kinda seriously. Melanie I get it. U don't wanna have a baby at such a young age. And u don't wanna catch an std . I understand. But the thing is I think it's just that u haven't found a guy that can get u to shut up long enough to get anything done. .. he laughs out loud !! This has really piss me off. I'm now mad. Jason go to hell!! He yells at the back of my head because i have walked away. I'm living in hell. And I fight daily with the she devil !!! This makes me laugh as I'm walking in my room Jason had followed me to make sure I heard his Lil comment but finds him self smack dab in the middle of my bedroom. He looks around .. and says her lare. Like it was some sorta forbidden fruit... I look at him both my eye brows raised as if he just jump down the rabbit whole .. he's not at all worried that he's standing in my BEDROOM! ! Jason , ur in here . He looks at me and says yep! But hasn't made a move to leave. Yes my brain went straight to we are the only two people in this house !! I'm not feeling so comfortable with this AT ALL. But I'm trying to seem like I'm not worried at at all. I sit down on the bed and keep my eyes on him at all times. He looks at the pics on the mirror. I have a few pics of me and Tammie at the local water park. And at the amusement park and at the zoo. A few pics of me and Sam. And then I have one of me laying on a lounge chair at a pool .. it's kinda sorta too hot of a pic to have out but I like this pic. He's staring at it. So I clear my throat and he looks at me. Oh sry. Am I intruding .. and under my breath I whisper for rhe last 2 mons now. . He looks at me like huh. I say no its fine. If ur that curious as to what my room looks like. Go ahead look around. So he does. I'm feeling nervous. I want him to leave my room immediately! ! But I sat there while he looked around. He found a book on the TV Stand and picked it up. It's a culinary arts book I checked out of the local library . He opens the book

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