forgive me as I'm not who u think I am

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As he set me down on my couch. I look up at him so lost .. and the fireworks make me jump again. My ex is looking at me like I'm a caged animal .. what ? He says. Ur terrified of fireworks why are these ass hats even doing them here. I went to answer but Jason's got this one. Oh shit.. I told them we could do them. Jason says in this dare to fuck with me voice. I'm even more scrared of this .then the fireworks. Can I get back outside now. I'm thinking in my head. ... Jason turns to me squats down right in front of me puts his hand on my knee and says. Melanie I told u mark was gonna bring fireworks I told u we were gonna set them off in the back yard. Why didn't u tell me ur this afraid. U should have told me. I wouldn't have allowed this. I look at him . But no words. I have no words. He is right ,he did tell me about them earlier. . I just wasn't thinking. And I'm OK as long as I'm in the house. Ja son... I'm OK with yall doing them .I just want to be in the house ..I got burned really bad when I was 7 yrs old. So I don't want to be out there when they are being done. I didn't know that's why my friends were taking me out there. And I'm so sry. I'm really sry. He stands up. Looks down at me and whispers me too as he go's to walk away he gives my ex this look of try me. Tam comes running in the house and spots me quickly. And walks really fast toward me. Melanie are u OK my love? Yes I'm fine. I'm OK yall. I stand up and head in the kitchen I need a drink of water .. but thinking I should have a few shots. I laugh at my thoughts. I grab a bottled water from the frig and walk to my room. My sanctuary! !! I look at the clock and it's now 11:49 and I think to myself. . Wow the kiss I got early was prolly the only Kiss I'll get tonight. And I'm OK with that. Really OK. I laugh to myself. That was a really good kiss.. well all 10 mins. Was mind blowing to say the least. I laugh again. But jump when a thousand rounds of fire crackers are set off right outside my window. My bedroom is on the back side if the house so my room is literally in the back yard. I can hear them talking and laughing and the fireworks are about as close as they can be. I glance at the clock again. 11:54... I have to go out in the yard with my friends we have a tradition of hugging and kissing everyone. It's a southern love Thang. Lol. So I walk to the door and the first person I see is Sam .. he's here !!! Omg Sam I scream. He looks at me as tho I've just solved world piece. I run out to him forgetting that I was looking for anybody who would go tell those guys to stop the fireworks. I hug Sam at tho my life finally made sense. Jason walks up and touches my shoulder .. hey I told them to put all the fireworks down. So u could come out side. I say thanks Jason. I really appreciate that. I yell to everyone to come up on the porch they all come up to me. And we stare at Sam's watch waiting to count down. 10 ,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!! we all start hugging a few Kiss !! And I've been tossed around like a bean bag. I finally turn and face mr.mad ... he looks at me and pulls me into his arms he kisses me right on my lips !! In front of every person I know. Omg! As I look down he puts his fingers under my chin and slowly pushes my head back. And kisses me again this time full on french kiss. When the kiss was over he pulled me in his arms again and hugs me so tight. I look over his shoulder and see my ex ....exiting the gate. To leave. This didn't faze me .. I'm so happy right now. I mean happier then I've been in a long time. I tell everyone bye as they are piling up in cars . Ahhhhh that's over with. We go in the house me ,tam,and tosha who looks as tho she need to ly down Stat !! Wow what a night. ... Tam is looking at me as tho I've become a woman in the past hour. ... I just roll my eyes at her. Not a word !! Tam not Nota word ! She zips her lips and hands me the key. .. I see Jason sitting on the couch ,looking in his phone. . I tell the girls. I'll be there soon .they go on to my room. I sit next to him. He puts his phone away and turns to look in my eyes .. I'm feeling shy. But I look at him a few times. He says are u mad at me in that hushed darken room whisper. Which the room was dark ... I lift my head up and look at his mouth. No. I'm not mad at u. Not at all. I whisper back. He smiles so big as tho he knows I'm whispering because he does.....

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