confused state of mind

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We all walk out to our cars and I say bye to everyone, Jay is standing there beside me. I say where is ur car ? He says I rode with ur sister my car is broke down again... I say u riding with me if u want me too he says . Yes . Have u been drinking tonight .. yes I had one beer . OK I'm driving . I say . He says baby its ur car .. I know but I'd let u drive if u hadn't drank .. he's laughing as he gets in the passenger side .. I start the car and turn rhe heat on .. Jay puts his hand on my thigh I look over at him , he says if u want to take me to grandpa's u can. I'm not pressuring you to do anything .. Jay I asked u to come home with me ... he says I know . Do u want me to take u home ? I ask . I mean if you are trying to be loyal to ur new gf..I say .. Jay says she's not my gf.. we are not dating. I saw on beale street and she ask if she could hang out with us . I said yes . Nothing happen . I haven't been with any one sense we broke up I promise .. I pull out the parking lot and on to front street .. headed toward our house .. I say Jay I haven't been with anyone either . No one ! I promise. He squeezes my thigh ,where he has kept his hand .. he says I like this car. I say me too. He smiled .. Jays says yeah I gotta get some else too my car is messed up .. what's wrong .. he says well it messed up a while back that night u didn't know I was home the last time I saw you ... I got it fixed and and it's messed up twice sense then . I been thinking about a new car .. he says . What kind ? I ask idk .. what would it take to impress u ? He ask . He's smiling .. not a car that's for sure I say .. then what baby ? He ask .. Jay u impress me . Don't worry . That's not true , u left me .. he says . I didnt leave you I just took a leave of absence. . I laugh .. he don't .. he says I know . You've been absent for mons. . I hate it .. I feel my self being sucked it to the abyss that is Jays loving way sad ways I need to sleep with you ways. Yeah .he's all those ways in secs flat .. it's crazy. He could get a nun in bed . When we pull up to the house I turn the car and I take a deep breath. I just know this can go one of two ways .. Jay pulls me to him he says we don't have to baby . I want u to be so sure before we even walk in the door . I'm certain I want you Jay .. he smiles .. he kisses me.. he says stay baby don't move.. I know he needs to open the door for me . He always does this .. he opened the door and took my hand. .. I walk in my room and Jay walks in behind me. We haven't been in this room together in several mons .. it feels strange . He walks up behind me puts his arms around me . He's in my ear .. baby u ok? I shake my head yeah . But I feel nervous. He says you can change ur mind. I won't be mad ... I might cry a lil.. but I'll be fine ..i laugh . He turns me to face him .. and kisses me hold the back of my head. I feel the tight belly feeling that gets me every time ..

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