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Grandpa's impressed ! Yes. I've made him proud . That's all that matters.. I hug him for a long time as tears stream down my face .. I've thanked him 100 times. He knows I'm in love with it .. he says this is so you can go to school , but also u can come see me and don't need a ride .. I say yes sir .. I sure will.. Rick says Melanie can you get back home alone .. I say yes .. he says he has to go somewhere. . I get in my new car I have to go show zare and mark .. I pull up at Zare house and txt her come outside .. they come out and zare say wow its so nice . They love it . I call Jay hey where are you ? He says I'm at grandpa's .. oh OK .. when in leave a few mins later I go back by grandpa's house , his car isn't there .. oh fuck this .. I pull into McDonald's drive threw and order my self a caremel mocha! I need this . I text Tam .. hey girl where are you ? She says the mall.. u gonna be there a while ? Yes she says OK meet me at the front entrance. .in about 20 mins. She says OK . I pull right up to the front and see Tammie and her guy James standing there I beep the horn at her . She walks over to MY car ... and says oh wow Melanie I love it !!! Me too !! She says come in .. I park and walk in the mall .. I see the air brush place yes I want to go there .. we walk in and I see the air brushed front grill plates .. I must have one .. I get one that is blue and white swirled .same color as MY car .. I have my name sprayed on it .. yep . Awesome .. we walk down to hot topic ..I see a huge fairy sticker for the back windshield it's all colors of light blue . Tammie says yes u Need this . We laugh .. I buy it . We walk down to Clairs and I find a steering wheel cover it's white with blue fairies .. tam says I wanna buy u this please . OK I say .. wow my car is already gonna be so tricked out !! Lol .. I'm so beyond happy . We are walking to the escalater and I hear my name being called .. I look back and it's matt. He's jogging up to me Tammie says hey Mel meet us at rack room shoes .. OK girl . Matt says how are ya ? I'm great I tell him . He says you look so happy . I tell him I just bought my very first car .and it's brand new .. he says wow what kind? . It's a Honda civic . He says awesome .. he ask when can I see it . I say now cuz I wanna put this stuff in the car. . He says OK we walk out to the parking lot and he says it's cute. Girly .. I say well it will be really girly if I can get this stuff put on it .. I show him the stuff I bought . He laughs very u .girly .. he says u want me to put the stuff on .. sure I say . He sits in my driver seat and puts the wheel cover on .. he gets out and says I'll need a screwdriver to put the plate on's OK I'll do it later. He says no I have one in my car .. he says get in and lock the doors I'll be right back .. I get in and lock the doors .. like two mins later Matt pulls up to me and jumps out he says come on. I give him the plate he puts it on the car . I love it !! He says u want the sticker on .. yes please ! He takes some windex out his car and paper towels cleans the glass and sticks it on the inside back windshield. It looks awesome . I hug Matt thank you so much !! Matt doesn't let go right away . He holds me tight . I let him ..when we part .. Matt says u still working the bar....and laughs . Yep . I say. He says wow u look so good up there.. thank you . He says you want to walk the Mall with me for a Lil bit ..I say sure phone rings's Jay . Hello , hey baby where are you ? He ask .. I'm at the mall . Oh OK .. I met Tammie here so she could see my car. He says oh you got one . Yes I got a Honda civic .. oh that's good baby I'm so happy for you. Thanks i say . He says I just left grandpa's house I'm gonna go find me some food , are you gonna be home soon you want me to get you something. . No I'll get something to eat here with tam.. I'll be home later .. I gotta get . I'll see ya in a bit.. .. he says OK ...I hang up .. he calls right back ..hey did u forget something? I say ummm.. he says I love you .. oh I love you too

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