happy ,sad ,happy,sad

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Jay i do believe in you I do trust you and I respect you. I don't want us to break up again. I want you ! He says I want to be with you too ... he says all of this hurts but I want us to get threw it together . Me too . But Jay we are always gonna have problems and arguments. No two people can always get along .. he says not with you Foo shooow. I smile .. he smiles .. am I that bad . ? He says yes !! He puts his arms around me and says u couldn't be more difficult. I push him away . Your no fucking pic nic either .. he says come here ! I say no . He looks at me like what? I know I have no chance in hell of getting away but I'm about to try .. he steps toward me I squeel and take off running he chases me down . He's caught me . He says really did u think u could get away . I say no ... he says good . I laugh out loud I feel the tension melt away. He let's me go and I really take off this time I think I've got a good head start .. I run for the woods... he's right behind me but I'm running pretty fast .. he snatched me right out of mid air I'm squeeling like a piggy .. he swings me around and stands me on the ground in front of him. He looks out of breath. I know I am .. he says why u running from me ? In his breathless voice . I say so you will chase me due .. I giggle! ! He says I've been chasing you for over a year .. it's ur turn ! He takes off running back wards .. looking at me with this huge smile on his face I chase him ... I catch him but only because he was running back wards and I think he wanted me to catch him .. we land on the ground Jay on his back and I'm on top of him .. he whispers or says in his out of breath voice . This has potential. . And raises his eye brow.. I say not tonight it don't and go to stand he catches my hips and puts me right back . Why? He ask . Because the burn is fresh in my mind. He says wow. U got seriously but hurt didn't u .? He's laughing .. I look him straight in the eyes and say not yet .. he laughs so hard . And covers his face with his arm .. omg I've made Jay blush !!! Wow that's a first ! He's really blushing .. I win I whisper .. he looks at me and says always . He sits up right and pulls me right up to him . He says are we really gonna be OK .. he's serious. I say only if u play with me .. he looks at me with his question face .. I stand and put my hand out to help him up .. he looks at me like right . I say what ? He says ur tiny ..what ? He says u can't help me up .. yes I can I say . I keep my hand out . He takes my hand Jay is solid as a rock !! Like no lie. He feels like concrete. . I use both hands. He's laughing .. I say ur trying to keep me from it .. he says nope .. ur just weak . I punch him and take off running threw the woods back to. The park. Jay is right behind me but hasn't touched me .. I stop in Front of the merry-go-round and jump up on it. He says hold on tight baby. Don't let go. .. I'm terrified in a good way. He pushes it hard and I'm done I have to lay down. He jumps on and lays down on top of me kissing me while we spin . .. so sweet . When it stops he says this is fun .. I see why ur always here playing .. we sit up and I tell him only because I love you more then u will ever know . I'll explain my happy place to u .. I tell him about it for another hour . He's smiling . When we leave he says I'm starving and we must get food !! We stop at the this Lil gridiron all night restaurant. We are having breakfast food and Jay got pancakes. That boy loves pancakes. I'm having an omelet. And coffee .. Jay looks up from his pancakes and says these don't have shit on urs..... he smiles and I laugh . The Lil old lady behind the bar smiles at us ..as if she's remembering what it was like to be young and in love .. I look at Jay and he says ur such a sap .. and smiles .. he always knows. How ? .. I roll my eyes at him .. we pay and Jay leaves the Lil old lady a very large tip .. I walk to the car and Jay opens my door per usual. When we get in I ask him why do u do that? He says I had a mom ...

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