] Illusion [

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Summary: It's right after Asgard has been destroyed in Ragnarok. It's kind of the scene with Thor and Loki at the end of the movie.

Pairing: Loki x Reader

Warnings: None.

You were looking out the window of your room, staring at the vast empty space. You never knew how beautiful the galaxy actually was. Through your peripheral vision you noticed Loki appear beside you.

"Glad to know you got out alive." You spoke never taking your eyes away from the view. Loving Loki was the most outstanding and excruciating feeling in the world.

"Worried about me?" Loki asked, his usual teasing tone present.

You sighed and finally turned towards the figure you knew was an illusion. "Where are you, Loki?" You questioned, tired of his games.

"What do you mean?" His head tilted slightly in confusion. You hated how real his illusion seemed.

"I've seen this trick before. You're not here!" Your voice broke at the last word and even though you wanted to cry you didn't let yourself. Your home had just been destroyed and all you wanted was for him to hold you.

You stare at him as he takes a step forward. You hold your breath as he lifts his hand. You prepare yourself to feel the light glaze of magic that always followed his illusions, it always felt like a gentle, cold breeze.

You can't help but gasp when you feel his warm touch against your cheek. The tears you've been forcing back finally fall.

"I'm here, my love." He speaks and the timber of his voice is genuine.

You smile widely and jump into his arms embracing him. He was here, with you.

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