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summary: you meet him at church, he might just be satan | au

pairing: biker!bucky x reader

word count: 1903

warnings: smoking, mentions of religion, swearing

a/n: tags at the bottom.

The dirty back alley you find yourself in is grotesque, however, the setting does not bother you rather the lateness of the man you're waiting for in the dark shadows behind a seedy bar. You're as patient as any woman can be as anxiety consumes you, where is Bucky? Did something happen to him? All these questions and more swirl around your head rendering you helpless to bad thoughts. You know it's impossible for something bad to happen to Bucky, he's bigger than the average man and you know despite ever witnessing such a thing that Bucky can hold his own better than the average.

He's fine, he's fine - you hope.

You've been tucked away in the darkness of the alley for some time and you can't help but grow tired of waiting for Bucky to magically appear and drown all of your doubts. You wonder if he's ever going to show, you shouldn't be doubting him after all he had asked you to meet him here but still the doubts are present in your head.

"He'll come," you whisper out into the darkness hoping that now you've spoken the words he'll appear and your words will come to life.

Your body slumps against the wall you've been resting on as your thoughts paralyse you momentarily. You need to get all doubts and negative thoughts out of your head but it seems impossible when the devil you seek refuses to show despite how much you call out to him, despite how much you sin for him.

"He'll come, " you repeat hoping that this time Bucky will actually make an appearance.

"Who will, babygirl?" A deep, rough voice asks and immediately you know who it is. You can't see much in the dark alleyway but you can see him, in all of his glory. Your face lights up like the fire inside of Bucky and it keeps burning until Bucky reaches you, hands winding around your waist and pressing a kiss to your cheek.

"I thought you wouldn't show, " you say fingers caressing the scruff of Bucky's beard as he looks down at you eyes full of affection you haven't seen before.

Bucky chuckles at your words, "I could never stand you up babygirl, I like you too much for that." Bucky confesses and his words start a ring of fire around your heart that you are sure will burn until it consumes you.

You beam up at Bucky with pure adoration and to him, it's the most beautiful sight he's ever seen, he thought you looked beautiful the other night in nothing but the thin material of your nightdress but now seeing you look up at him with love he's knows no sight will compare or beat this. It's a good memory one Bucky hopes will pull him from the darkness at a point in the near future.

"I need to talk to you about something, babygirl," Bucky says his hands running up your sides in comfort as you quirk an eyebrow at him begging him to keep talking.

"I'm leaving town," he says and the words make the fire inside of you instantly burn out. You're no longer in deep lust, all you can feel is the coldness creeping up on you. It goes as instantly as it comes when Bucky says, "just for a week and I'll be back babygirl. I can't leave you for too long, you might forget who you belong to."

You smile at him, chuckling slightly at his words. You place your hands around his neck drawing him closer. "I could never forget," you answer honestly because there is no way in hell you could ever forget the sight of Bucky, forget the way it feels to have his lips pressed against your cheek as his scruff scratches your skin making you laugh wildly at the feeling.

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