] you abandoned me. 5 [

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Summary: The superheroes are all trying to get along with each other though things are still awkward. (Y/N) is still mad at Tony and Rhodey and won't speak to Bucky again. However, they may just have to get along when they are all put in danger.

Characters: Steve Rogers x Reader, Avengers x Reader (platonic)

Meanings: (Y/N)= Your name

Warnings: Sad, angst, violence, swearing


I was alone in the bed as I woke. Steve's side was cold meaning he had been up long before me. I guessed that he was training, he always got up at the crack of dawn to do so. He tried to drag me along once but learnt very quickly that you can't wake me up before the sun has come out. Glancing at my phone screen, the time read ten o'clock. Rolling out of bed, I put on my slippers and a hoodie before making my way to the kitchen. There was no point staying in bed any longer, everyone was probably awake by now.

As I stepped into the lift, I thought about my conversation with Bucky the night before. He was so broken and I looked like such a bitch when I told him I didn't like him. But I couldn't get rid of my hatred, he took Steve away from me; yes he was back now, though there was something still wrong about this whole thing. I also hadn't talked to Tony or Rhodey yet, I wasn't sure what to say. They had helped me when Steve was gone but the fact that they hid the phone from me was out of order. These things clouded my mind, making it difficult for me to even think properly.

Making my way down the corridor, I was caught up in my thoughts until I felt two arms pinch my waist. I giggled due to the feeling before looking up at Steve.

"Hi." I pecked him on the lips as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder."I'm guessing you were in the gym this morning?"

"I was. I just went back to the room, I hoped that you would be there still, I was going to stay in bed with you."

I smiled."Sorry. But we can have breakfast together."

Although it seemed hypocritical to forgive Steve and not the others, I really needed him back. I felt normal again with only a few loose strands that needed to be tied up. The only sadness left in my life was the fact that I wasn't friends with those who I thought as family. That was my objective for the week; I would make up with everyone.

God, I'm starting to sound like Steve.

Unfortunately it wouldn't just be Steve and me eating breakfast. Bucky was there too and he was still in his gym gear. He glanced up as he saw us walk in, hurrying with making his food.

"Hey Buck, I didn't see you at training earlier?" Steve greeted his friend.

"No, I-uh...I was going to go after breakfast." he mumbled, not looking up.

"Well we're about to eat too, come sit with us." Steve reached into the cupboard, grabbing two boxes of cereal.

I tensed as he said that.

"That's ok. I wasn't going to eat in here anyway."

"You don't have to go, right (Y/N)?"

They both looked at me, waiting for an answer."Yeah, join us."

Bucky sat at the table, digging into his breakfast as we finished making ours. Steve would grab things that were out of my reach, teasing me as he usually did. I felt Bucky's eyes watching us though I paid no mind. When we were both done we joined him at the table sitting across from him. No one spoke, the crunching of cereal was the only thing you could hear until Steve spoke.

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