] cooking together [

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You had been invited to the Avengers complex by Thor for his birthday. He was throwing at party on Saturday so he asked you to go on Friday. Of course someone from SHIELD picked you up from your apartment and took you there in a van since you weren't allowed to know the exact location of the complex. It was classified. Gosh, how much you hated that word.

Sadly, when you finally got to the complex at noon you were told that Thor had been forced to go to Asgard for some political stuff but he would be back in just a few hours. It was a bit disappointing but you didn't let it affect your mood since you knew he also had many obligation back in his world. You actually went there with him once but you didn't like the way people, especially women, looked at you so you just decided to let Thor go alone and you would wait for him back on Earth.

Since everyone in the complex was busy or missing you decided to make a cake for your boyfriend's birthday. At first you thought you would make the classic chocolate cake but it was Thor's birthday and he wasn't a 'classic' person. So you decided to make a rainbow cake. It was a bit tricky but you had done it before.

You were actually surprised to find all the ingredients in the kitchen so when you had it all ready you just started making the batter for the cake. Since you were alone you decided to turn on the radio and as soon as one of your favourite songs came up you started dancing and singing alone.

"That's a wonderful birthday surprise", you heard at your back when you were dividing the mix to make the different colours. Surprised, you turned around to find Thor leaned against the door with a huge smirk on his face.

"You're back!" You said happily.

Dropping everything you ran towards him and jumped on his arms. Due to his job as an Avengers and all those trips to Asgard you two didn't get to see each other as much as you'd like so every time you saw him it was like the first time. He caught you and you wrapped your arms around his waist at the same time you kissed him.

"I've missed you", he said pulling away just a little.

"I've missed you too", you replied smiling at him before kissing him again. Chuckling he walked into the kitchen and set you down on the counter.

He was the one pulling away even when you just wanted to keep on going, but when you saw him looking around you remembered the cake.

"No! You're not supposed to see this!" You said suddenly pushing him away.

"What? Why?" He laughed coming closer again. "A cake?" He asked looking at you with bright eyes.

"Yes..." you mumbled. "It was supposed to be a surprise", you added. He laughed and hugged you kissing your head.

"May I help you to prepare my surprise?" He asked.

Smiling a little you looked up at him and nodded. That could be fun. Quickly, you explained how was the cake like and why you were dividing the mix. Also you told him how to mix the batter and the colours until it was uniform.

"Just tell me when you're done. And don't add too much colours or the taste will be weird", you said as you started preparing the frosting.

Next time you looked at him you couldn't help but laughing. He had been doing that for just three minutes but his hands were already covered in purple and his hair had some red strings.

"Come here", you said taking one of your hair ties from your wrists. He moved closer to you and bended down so you could pull his hair up in a man bun. "Go on, Gordon Ramsay", you laughed shaking your head.

"Who's that?" He asked frowning still mixing some blue.

"A famous chef", you explained as you were preparing the frosting.

"Oh, so am I good at this?" He asked proudly which just made you laugh a bit more. "What?"

"Asgardian are not known by their use of sarcasm right?" You asked teasingly.

You expected him to snap at you but since he said nothing you turned your head just in time for him to cover your face with the purple mix.

"THOR!" You yelled and looked at him.

"And you're not too known but you use of fun right?" He teased.

Narrowing your eyes at him you took the frosting you were making and you threw at his head while he walked back to his spot. He stopped and looked at you raising an eyebrow and smirking.

"That was a joke, remember", you said starting to walk away as he came closer to you. "No! Don't take that!" You exclaimed as you saw him taking more frosting from the bowl.

"You know I'm faster than you, don't you?" He smirked as he walked closer and closer.


You started running around the counter and he followed you. At that point you two started a war. When you ran close to the mix you would take a handful and throw it at him while he tried to catch you. You were yelling at him to stop but obviously he wanted his revenge and he wasn't going to stop.

"What the fuck is going on in my kitchen?" You looked at the door to find a very mad Tony looking at the mess you had just made. That distraction helped Thor to catch you but you both slipped and fell down at the same time he covered your whole face with the mix.

"Oh my!" You screamed. Opening your eyes to find Thor above you with a big smile you just started laughing. "You're an idiot!" You laughed hitting him.

Smiling down at you and ignoring Tony's constant comments he leaned down and kissed your lips slowly but this time you were the one deepening the kiss by placing a hand on his neck. You could feel his smile against your lips as he ran his hands down your body slowly.

"And now sex in my fucking kitchen!? Get out of here!" Tony suddenly screamed making you laugh out loud.

"Calm down, Iron Man", Thor laughed getting up and helping you up. Tony really looked like he could kill both of you at that moment so you just grabbed Thor's hand and took him out of the kitchen giggling. "Hey! What about the cake?" Thor pouted at you. You smiled and pecked his lips.

"I guess we will have to buy one", you laughed.

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