] secret revealed [

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prompt: Combination of: · Okay now I really need to see Batmom and Batman fighting at a league meeting and someone(maybe Question?) calling out their bs, and An imagine where the justice league guy members shamelessly flirts with batmom just to rile batman up and he snaps when superman does it? He's all like wrapping his arms around her waist and says : my wife not yours mine" and ·Can I have one on what would happen if Green Arrow sees Batmom for the first time and not knowing who she is turns to Jason -who had been standing next to him- and ask if Batmom is single?

AN: Cute and fluffy!

Words: 845

Clark sits down in the seat next to yours and smiles, before reaching out to take your hand. You raise one eyebrow in question but don't pull your hand back just yet. "So, I was thinking we could have dinner tonight. I know this restaurant by the sea, really nice place."

You bite back a laugh before looking over your shoulder to find Bruce standing just a few feet away, his eyes focused on you and Clark. He's not the only one though, the rest of the league are staring as well.

You lean in close and ask, "What did my husband do to tick you off this time, Kent?"

Clark just smiles and says, "I have to write the wedding announcements for the next month because I disagreed with him over something. Plus, this also payback for all those fake fights I've had to endure over the years."

"How about I get you back on sports and I turn you down gently?"

He grins, "I'll take what I can get."

You lean back in your chair and say, "Sorry Superman, I've got plans."

"That doesn't answer the question Hell Cat." You turn to face Ollie, who's grinning at you.

You raise an eyebrow in question "And what answer are you looking for?"

"That yes you're single, and that yes you're free Friday night, because I know this unbelievable little restaurant in Milan."

Your eyes flash to Bruce. His teeth are clenched and the look in his eyes is enough to make Jason back slowly away.

You frown, "Sorry, I'm busy that night too." Your eyes slide to Clark who's trying so hard not to laugh.

"So who's taken up all your free nights Hell Cat?" You turn to Hal, who is leaning against the wall. "Cause when I asked you out last month, you were busy then too."

You take a deep breath and say, "Well you see boys, I'm married with two kids, so that doesn't leave a lot of room for dating."

There's a moment of silence before the men burst out in laughter. The few women in the room however are studying you closely. Huntress in particular has a knowing glint in her eye.

The laughter is still going on when Question sneaks into the room. More often than not, the man would have gone unnoticed. He's good at sneaking around, you'll give him that. Helena's grin just widens before she calls out, "Question." The man just stops and turns towards his girlfriend. His hands are in his pocket, but he's giving her his full attention. "Truth or Lie, Hell Cat over there is married with two kids."

The answer comes immediately "Truth. Hell Cat is married to the Batman. They have two adopted children, Nightwing formerly known as Robin, and the current Robin. They've kept their relationship hidden among the League for the past eight years, simply because they found it fun to mess with people's minds. If someone were to look close however, they'd notice that the fights they put on never lasted more than twenty minutes, and they always left together. Their children find it infuriating."

There's this stunned silence before Jason cries out, "Finally!" Then spins on his toes to face Green Arrow, "My mother is not single, stay the hell away from her!"

You ignore the surprised faces of the Leaguers in favor of Question. "When did you figure it out?"

"My second week. I noticed that your fights, while entertaining, never subtracted from the quality of a meeting, meaning it never interfered with something that needed to be done. In the case of a crisis there would be not contention on either of your parts, even if the two of you had argued about it previously. My theory was confirmed when I spotted the two of you making out in a dark corner."

You hear Jason groan, "Oh come on! I'm supposed to be the teenager here, not you two." Then he turns around to leave the room and says, "If you need me, I'll be on the phone with Nightwing telling him that everything has finally been exposed."

You smile as your eyes slide to the women in the room, mainly Shayera and Vixen, who are grinning at you. You grin before asking, "Yes?"

Shayera grins, "You've been holding out on us."

Vixen nods, "All those girl's nights out over the years, and you never told a story."

"Not every day a girl kisses the Batman. Spill."

You smirk and say, "That's private," before mouthing the words 'next girl's night out." That seems to satisfy them.

Standing up you stretch and walk over to Bruce. "Let's grab our traumatized son and go home now."

"Grab Jason, I'll be there in a minute."

You shrug and walk out of the room. Bruce turns to Clark who's still smiling before he says, "You can have your sports section back, but you're covering nothing but golf, chess, and badminton for the next three months." Clark's smile fades and all Bruce says is, "My wife, not yours."

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