] hold my hand [

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Summary: (Y/N) is a S.H.I.E.LD agent who in a recent mission lost her hand. She is very insecure about it and gets frustrated over the little things she can no longer do. Bucky sees her displeasure, in a random act of kindness he teaches her that it's ok to have a prosthetic limb.

Characters: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Meanings: (Y/N)= Your name
(Y/L/N)= Your last name

Warnings: Sadness, talk of self hatred, arguing, mentions of torture and violence but fluff along the way


'Come on, just grab it, your ID is right there!'

Fumbling around in my bag, I could feel the line of people behind me growing as they impatiently waited for me to pick up my S.H.I.E.L.D ID card. I still wasn't used to this. My left had was no longer there. For now there was just a stump until S.H.I.E.L.D finished making my robotic one.

"Do you need some help ma'am?" the security guard asked me.

Giving up, I shamefully nodded. He grabbed it for me, scanning it before giving it back. As soon as I took it, I sprinted towards the elavator, not wanting to face the embarrassment. This was my first day back after the mission that got my left hand cut off. I wanted everything back to normal, this was the way to do it. Stepping off on my floor, I rushed to my office, collapsing into my desk chair.

'Just get on with your work, it will all be fine soon.'

To log into my computer I had to scan my fingerprint. Subconsciously I reached out with my left arm, only to pull it back when I realised I couldn't use it. Sighing, I placed my right thumb on the scanner, watching as the computer screen loaded. I was like a secretary, filing things and documenting them. This meant I had a very high level here. I had access to a lot of important information, hence why I was kidnapped and tortured by HYDRA.

'Let's start with typing up the minutes from those meetings, something nice and easy.'

Setting up everything was fine until came to typing, I was stuck. Of course I could still use my right hand to type but it was going to take even longer to get all my work done. One of the advantages I had was typing quickly and efficiently (exciting, I know). What was I supposed to do now?

'What about writing? I could just write stuff down instead.'

Again, without thinking I reached for a pen with my writing hand which happened to not be there anymore. That was the point where I wanted to break down, scream and trash the place. I probably couldn't even do that properly.

"Agent (Y/L/N)," Fury's voice came through in the phone,"I need you to bring me the files on the HYDRA agents we captured last week. Another agent placed them in the filing room but I need you to retrieve them."

I answered immediately."Yes sir, I'll be there right away."

Yes I still had my right hand and the rest of my left arm, however it was still incredibly difficult adjusting to it. People don't realize how much we rely on hands, I think if I even lost a finger I would be disoriented. Luckily I was able to grab the files, without much hassle before heading to Fury's office. Knocking on the floor with my foot, I heard him call me in but I then had the problem opening the door as my hand was preoccupied. It startled me when the door opened, revealing Steve Rogers behind it.

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