] shackled 3 [

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Note: Reader has power over fire. Please let me know what you think of these. Let me know if you want to be tagged.

Y/N - Your Name

Y/L/N - Your Last Name

Y/F/B - Your Favorite Book

Loki watched as Rogers emerged from the sea of people. "Hey Y/L/N. Loki," he greeted them. "I didn't want to interrupt your heated conversation with Tony and Bruce."

"Hey Steve," Y/N returned the greeting. "How are you enjoying the party?" Her anger and frustration seemed to have left with the scientists, now she just looked tired.

Rogers nodded. "It's... definitely a party alright," he said, looking around the room. "Look, I wanted to invite you out onto the balcony to watch the fireworks with me." He gestured to Loki. "You can come too, obviously."

"I'm honored," Loki joked with a smirk.

The Captain lead them into the elevator and up to his floor, where most of the crowd had migrated out onto the balcony. He opened the door for them and they stepped out into the cool night air. It was quieter out here. There were lots of people, but they spoke in hushed tones, laughing and talking quietly amongst themselves in small groups. This was the balcony that Loki had first talked to Y/N on, and he couldn't help but remember that night, and feel a twist in his stomach as he recalled watching the stars at her side.

They pulled up to the railing and gazed out over the city, the excited sounds of the night far below reaching their ears. Loki could see that there were people gathered in the streets.

"What's going on?" he asked, looking past Y/N to Rogers.

The Captain chuckled. "Stark probably puts on a fireworks show every year. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say they're waiting for it to start." He smiled down at Y/N, but she was gazing down at the crowds below them.

Loki followed her lead. Being so far above them, they looked tiny, like a mass of ants. His mouth split into a grin. 'This must be how father feels when he addresses the peasants,' he thought. 'This is how it was supposed to be. I should be ruling them. I should be their king.'

His thoughts were interrupted when a boisterous voice from behind and to his left called out, "Captain Rogers!" The prince turned to see a fat man with a balding gray head and black moustache waddle up to the three of them.

"If it isn't Captain America himself!" the man exclaimed, taking Steve's hand in both of his own and shaking it vigorously. "It's an honor, sir, truly. Say, have you met my wife?" The man let go of Rogers and put his hand on his back, between his shoulder blades, and pushed him firmly, leading him away.

"I guess I'll be right back," Rogers said, looking over his shoulder to Y/N and Loki. 'Sorry,' he mouthed.

The raven-haired prince was left standing with Y/N by themselves on the far side of the balcony. The crowds had moved to gather around Rogers when they discovered that he was up here, so the two of them were truly alone. Loki could see some of the other Avengers up here as well, including his brother, but they were all in their own little worlds, not paying the shackled pair any mind.

Loki cleared his throat. "So..."

Y/N glanced up at him, but quickly returned her gaze forward. It didn't look like she was seeing anything in particular, she just didn't want to look at Loki. 'Of course she's uncomfortable,' he thought to himself and brought his hands up to lean on the railing. She had to follow suit due to the shackle around her wrist, but she didn't seem to mind.

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