] seeing ghosts [

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Imagine having a crush on Loki before he died and seeing him on Asgard during the time-heist.

As Thor, Rocket and you tip-toed your way through the dungeons, your eyes fell on one of the prisoners. Loki. Of course he was going to be here, how could you have forgotten that? You let Thor and Rocket go ahead, saving the universe was suddenly the last thing on your mind.

He looked so beautiful, with his black hair and those eyes, laying down, tossing up that cup with a careless flick and catching it everytime. But most importantly he was alive. Alive and breathing and well. As well as a prisoner could be.

"Who are you?" He said suddenly, catching the cup one last time before flinging his legs down and standing up, looking at you through the magic barrier.

You had no idea how to respond to that. "I'm... uh.. a servant, Prince Loki." You said uncertainly. You had no knowledge on Asgardian servants or their courtesies.

"A servant? You're wearing interesting clothes for an Asgardian servant." He said, walking closer to you. You were wearing jeans and a hoodie, far from Asgardian clothing. "And too pretty. I think I would have noticed if we had someone like you in the castle."

"Pretty? I.....um." you stammered.

No. You shook your head, getting rid of any stupid ideas. As much as you wanted to stay there all day, looking at him, telling him what you couldn't tell the Loki of your own timeline, you knew it was just wishful thinking. You had to leave. This wasn't your Loki. This one didn't even know you. Your Loki was gone.

"Forgive me, I am needed somewhere else." You muttered and looked away before he could see your tears, and ran away from him before he could stop you.

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