] loud & c l e a r [

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prompt ↬ he gives it to you so good that you say things you have no intention of saying.

warnings ↬ smut, dom!t'challa, daddy kink, pwp (it's just plain smut y'all lmao)

He has you on your stomach, his hips slapping against your ass as he pounds into you roughly and harshly. His grip on the pillow your head is lying on is unforgiving as he grunts with every thrust he delivers to you, making you cry out against the pillowcase.

"Fuck, T'Challa!" you moan, the pleasure overcoming you so much till it's the only thing you can feel in your veins. He's so deep and it feels so good that you feel drool slide down your cheek. You're throbbing, clenching and unclenching around him, torn between squirming away and pushing your ass up against his hips.

He stops and before you can complain, his arm wraps around your middle, lifting your body up to his. His thighs are sore but he likes the burn of fucking you, wanting you to moan so much the only thing you know is his name.

"You feel amazing, my Queen." his deep voice trails in your ear as he bites into the skin of your shoulder, earning another moan from you as your head falls back onto his. "So addicting."

"I'm going to cum," you warn, your hand sliding down your body to find your clit, hips bucking as you squeeze it in between your fingers. "Daddy, I'm going to cum!-"

He stops.

You look back at him with your eyes wide, trying so hard to move on his cock but he keeps you still.

"Say that again."

Your eyebrows furrow, confused. What is he on about? And why has he stopped fucking you like you need it? "Say what?!"

"That nickname," he closes his eyes, cock throbbing inside of you at the thought of your beautiful voice just cooing it to him. "Daddy. Call me that again."

You don't even remember saying that but if it renders him to keep pounding into you, you'll do anything. "Daddy, daddy, please keep fucking me, I need to cum-"

He growls, the sound low in his throat as he presses you back into the bed and slams into you once more. You scream into the pillowcase as he shoves your face into it, pressing against your ass firmly when he feels you go rigid.

It only takes a few more strokes before he pushes back in and empties himself inside of you, moaning at how hot and wet it feels, you joining him with your sounds of pleasure. He pulls out of you, catching his breath before getting up to fetch a wet towel.

"I didn't even know I called you that." you admit as he cleans the come leaking out of you and your sweaty back and thighs. "I didn't know you liked stuff like that, either."

"I didn't know until I heard you call me that," he smiles, licking his lips as he kisses your shoulder. "I could have came on spot."

"I'll remember that for next time." you wink and he grins, lying down next to you for the both of you to catch your breath before round two.

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