] clingy [

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Being around Peter Parker was entrancing, for his presence usually filled you with an unexplainable warm fuzzy feeling

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Being around Peter Parker was entrancing, for his presence usually filled you with an unexplainable warm fuzzy feeling. You didn't realize that this feeling was love until a little in your high school career, for now, you pushed it to side, not wanting to think about it. But holy shit, sometimes Peter was the clingiest thing to ever walk the earth. He took pleasure in annoying you and was not afraid to admit it.

"Y/N!" Your pencil angry scribbled on your homework sheet, furiously trying to write down the answer to a math problem you didn't get.

"Y/N!" The voice called out again. You tried to zone it out and focus, but you knew it wouldn't stop til you acknowledged it.

"What the fuck do you want Peter?" You spat while spinning around in your chair to face the devil's incarnate. There he sat with his mouth turned upwards into a huge lopsided grin.

"Nothing, I'm just bored," he grinned. You stared at him, giving him an icy death glare before returning your gaze to the senseless math homework. Whoever needs this stuff in their daily lives when they're older? Why couldn't you be taught something that you could actually use? You cursed out loud while scribbling out the answer you had previously wrote.

"Hey Y/N, do you need any help?" Peter questioned, peering over your shoulder to take a peak of what you were so annoyed over.

"I actually could use some," You sighed, placing your head in your hands.

"Sucks. Maybe you should get a best friend who is super talented at math," He sang while grabbing a ball off your dresser and tossing it up into the air.

"Yeah, maybe I should because it suddenly became clear to me that I don't have a best friend anymore!" You snapped. Peter stopped what he was doing to stare at you. You gave him a fake smile before turning around to do your homework. You were about to press pencil to paper when two arms snaked around your waist. You squealed in surprise when you were pulled out of your chair and thrown onto your bed. Peter's surprisingly strong arms pinned you down to the bed. You squirmed, trying to get away from him.

"Take it back," He ordered, a cheesy smile still on his face. You stopped struggling and just stared at him blankly.

"No," You avowed. "Peter Parker, you are NOT my friend anymore." Peter gasped, clearly taken back.

"Y/N how dare you!" Peter exclaimed, one of his hands clutching his heart. "I don't think I can live without having Y/N Y/L/N as my best friend!" He dramatically threw himself onto your bed, acting as if he died at the thought. A smile giggle escaped your mouth. He quickly sat up and looked at you, surprise etched on his face.

"Was that a giggle I just heard?" He questioned, as you avoided eye contact. "You can't ignore me forever Y/N! Please please please talk to me I'm lonely!" He fake bawled. You rolled your eyes.

"Quit whining," You hissed at him as Peter shot up out of the bed.

"Y/N! I missed you so much!" He screamed before jumping on top of him. You grunted, struggling to get his weight off of you. You finally threw him next to you and rolled to face him.

"I hate school," You proclaimed with a slight bit of sadness in your voice . His face softened a little at the sight of your frown.

"You're supposed to hate school, you're a teenager! It's like an unspoken rule!" Peter coaxed.

"Yeah, I guess. But I'm so bad at it and all of my friends are so good at it and it's not fair!" You sighed.

"Hey, I thought we weren't friends!" Peter exclaimed. You didn't react to this comment, you just continued to stare your rough popcorned ceiling. A pang of sadness hit Peter when he realized you were serious. He pulled your body closer to him. "Look, not everyone is going to be great at every class and you can't put yourself down just because of one irrelevant subject. Think of all the subjects that you're great at, like chemistry and art! Besides, when are you ever going to need to know that stuff when you're a famous artist!" Peter reassured you.

"You have to say that because we're friends; let's face it, I am dumb as a fucking rock," You admitted with a laugh. Peter frowned at you.

"Look at me," Peter demanded. You didn't want to look at him, in fear of showing him your weakness so you just continued to look at the ceiling, brainstorming a list of jobs that didn't require a high school degree. "Y/N come on," He pleaded. You sighed and turned your head to face his once again. He sent you a comforting smile, sending a glimmer of hope through your body.

"You're not dumb," He continued, as you just continued to blankly stare at him. "You are one of the smartest people I know, sometimes grades don't reflect how smart you truly are. Do not ever put yourself down because of it," Peter affirmed. You gave him a small, gentle smile.

"Thanks Peter," You whispered while sitting up and grabbing a pillow. Peter followed suit, minus grabbing a pillow. You hit him in the chest as he faked dying once again. "You're still an asshole though."

"Oh how I cherish being your friend," Peter laughed. That sound filled your heart with joy, no other sound in the whole wide world would ever make you feel the same way.

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