] elegance [

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prompt ↬ first date with crush!t'challa with a few mishaps.

warnings ↬ fluff, first date troubles lol, shy baby t'challa

(sorry but he is the prettiest man i've ever seen in my fucking life)

Who knew that a whole King would be so nervous in picking up his crush from her doorstep for a date?

T'Challa's hands shake a little as he holds the stems of your favorite flowers in his hands. He's so excited, but also very scared to see you. He was taking you out to a restaurant tonight, one that was saved just for the two of you near his kingdom. But he was so, so nervous.

His crush on you was huge. At first, it was just infatuation when you two had met. He found you interesting and a good friend to talk to when his duties just got to be too much or too overbearing. But then it descended into him realizing how lovely you actually were.

You were like the sun to him, radiating warmth and attracting people wherever you went. He always found himself smiling wide whenever he was around you, admiring you secretly and looking away with sweaty palms when you looked his way. He thought it was silly, that he had a crush like that and he never heard the end of it from Shuri.

"A crush?! My dear brother, you are far too old for crushes." she shook her head as she walked around him in her lab, but she wasn't blaming him. You were an amazing spirit to be around.

"I am not that old." he smiled in amusement, knowing you would've probably said the same thing. "Do you know... that phrase that Westerners say when they have... crushes?"

"Like, she gives you butterflies in your stomach?!" Shuri shouted, running close to her brother to tickle him, teasing him more with his endless shouts. But it was true—that was exactly how you made him feel.

Breathing in and out to calm himself down, the King's heart stops when you open the door, revealing your beauty to him. Both of you are matching—you in a black dress that looks sensual against your brown skin, the diamonds that it's encrusted in only bringing out your figure that much more.

"You look... b-beautiful." he breathes out, cursing himself for stuttering, watching as you smile widely and shake your head.

"Not as beautiful as you, my King~" you grin, reaching over to grab your mini handbag from your desk, closing the door. It is only then that you notice the flowers in his hand, looking up at him with bright eyes.

"T'Challaaaa," you drag out, quickly opening back up the door to place the flowers down. "I told you not to get all lovey dovey with it!"

"I could not help myself." he smiles down at you, a hand on the small of your back as he leads you down to the limo he's parked in front of your residence. You give no thought to it until you actually look.

"Oh my god, T'Challa!" you shout, feeling yourself get flustered as you smack the side of his arm with your handbag. "I'm going to kill you."

He knows that you secretly love how romantic he's being, and he loves how humble you are getting in the way of it. You're truly a gem.

You both shuffle into the backseat, the door closing behind you and there's a few seconds before the limo starts to move. He looks towards you under the dim light, watching the way your eyes scan everything around you.

"Do you like it?" he asks, watching your head snap to him and almost melting at the smile that spreads across your face.

"It's gorgeous," you tell him, scooting a little closer and he basks in how good you smell. "I wasn't expecting a limo. Are you trying to woo me?"

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