] 2 years later [

3.1K 64 8

Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader

Featuring: Tony Stark, Thor, Nick Fury and Natasha Romanoff

Word count: 2292 words

Warnings: I don't know if there's some swearing, probably there is. And angst.

Tags: none.

Notes: if you would like me to do a Part 2 of this one just tell me and I will! But for now it will be just a one part imagine, but i wanna get about 100k like to do a sequel.

The moment you left the Avengers HQ two years ago, without looking back, you literally felt like your world crashed down. You had been forced to leave everything and everyone you loved behind for their own safety. For some reason, HYDRA was after you and you just couldn't take any chances. Not with your family and especially not with Steve.

Leaving him broke your heart the most, knowing that you were breaking his heart was the worst you had ever done. You didn't say anything. You just left a note for everyone in which you really didn't explain anything. You just said goodbye and assured them it was for the best. You changed your phone number and even your name, so no one was able to reach you ever again.

But now you were free. HYDRA had gave up on you after two long years and finally, going back home, was safe for everyone.

The only question was... Would they want you back? Would he want you back?

You had talked to Fury in his own office to make sure it was safe. Once he told you indeed it was and that you could go back to the field and to the team all you wanted to do was going back home. The director had to make some calls but everything was settled in just one morning.

"Are you ready to go back?" Nick asked you as he walked you to the car that would take you back to the HQ.

"I know I am... I don't know if they are", you said with concern.

"They? Or he?" He asked. With a sigh you looked up and saw he was even smiling a little.

"Both", you admitted shaking your head.

"I guess you are about to find out, don't you?" He asked opening the driver door for you and giving you the keys.

"Thanks Fury...for helping me hide and everything", you said before you got into the car. Once in there, you closed the door and rolled down the window.

"You're welcome Agent", he said. "Good luck", he added.

With a nod you started the engine and immediately you started driving. During the drive you tried your best in order to keep your head away from Steve, but it wasn't easy, not at all. It was impossible. You didn't even know what to say once you saw him. Maybe he didn't even want to see you after all, and you would deserve it for sure.

You had to drive for two hours before you got there. It was in the same place as always, surrounded by woods so no one would ever find it. It surprised you to see Tony waiting at the door but all you could guess was that Fury had contacted him to tell him you were back.

When you parked you still took your time to leave the car, as you were trying to find the words to say sorry for leaving them, but they just wouldn't come up to your mouth. And you knew when Tony approached the car that you were out of time, so taking the keys you got off the car, looking at the man that had been like a father to you.

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