] breaking up my bones [

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Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader

Warning: Cursing
Summary: Y/n, though a superhero, is a bit of a villain in the avenger's household, pulling pranks and antagonizing everyone except for one Peter Parker
Author: Dizzy
A/N: Anon requested, "Can you do one where the reader is a mean girl and she antagonizes every member of the avengers except Peter because she has a crush on him?" and now I have delivered. Hope you enjoy it!


The name echoed through the building, in the exact same volume and tone as it had been shouted everyday.

Y/n sat in her room, music blasting as she painted on the canvas in front of her, oblivious to her name being shouted yet again.

Y/n L/n, also known as Vagabond, the daring young hero, was at times (most times), a villain who believed they were saving the world. Especially when she was among her things and her friends that she loved to taunt.

The door to Y/n's room was thrown open to reveal one Steve Rogers, who was covered head to toe in tar and chicken feathers.



"Really? Tar and feathers? That old prank?"

Y/n continued to paint, not looking at the man. "Yep. An old prank to fit the likes of an old man. Now, if you wouldn't mind leaving my room, I have work to do."

Steve groaned, saved his disciplinary lecture on why one should not tar other people for later and walked out of the room, leaving a cloud of feathers in his dust.

Y/n returned to her work, knowing that in a matter of moments, the tower would come alive with screams and bellowing of her name all because she felt a need to prank everyone around her.

Everyone except for Peter Parker, also known as Spider man, or better known to Y/n as Gadget, a nickname she had given him when they first became friends.

Peter would argue that the two were in fact, most definitely not friends, which would only lead Y/n to claim that they were accomplices at times when it came to certain pranks and Peter allowing Y/n to copy off his homework.

Peter was a dork and Y/n was an asshole, that was what everyone at the tower said. Peter was charming and likable and Y/n, well, Y/n was his opposite. Peter and Y/n, though the same age, couldn't have been anymore different.


For the first time in all of Peter's days as a team member did Y/n hear his name be called out like hers, used with the same tone and volume as hers had been many times before.

Y/n smiled wickedly, knowing her plan had been executed in the same fashion she had envisioned it to be.

A few days prior to the occurrence of the said event, Y/n had copied recordings of Peter going in and out of Tony's lab to be used as evidence he was the one who planted the stink and paint bombs Y/n had placed in Tony's frequently used cabinets. She then went on to cast the recording from her laptop to the towers security system, making it Peter who seemed like the culprit.

But, there was only one problem. Y/n's fingerprints were still on the shells of her perfectly placed devices.

"Y/n!" It was Peter who screamed her name.

With a roll of her eyes, Y/n rose from her seat and made her way to where she heard the voices. She sighed as she entered the living room, the team standing around, all covered in paint, tar and feathers and smelling of a horrid odor.

"Care to explain what's got you pulling pranks on everyone?" Steve spoke up and crossed his arms as he gave Y/n the dreaded eyebrows of disappointment.

"No reason."

"Then why is it that Peter is the only one who is not covered head to toe in substances unknown?"

"No reason."

"Really?" Natasha asked and rose her brow. "Maybe it's cause of what I read in here?"

Natasha tossed Y/n's art journal at her, the page in which Y/n spoke of her crush on Peter clearly marked as Y/n caught it.

"You went through my stuff?!" Y/n cried. "This is bullshit!"

"Language." Steve snapped.

"Oh, suck a cock!" Y/n snapped back. "You all went through my private shit."

"So, do you actually have a crush on me or are you just kidding?" Peter asked, only to cause Y/n's stern look to soften.

"Maybe. What's it to you?"

"Well, ya know, a girlfriend."

"Oh shit." Y/n said, taking a glance at the rest of the group. "He's not joking. He actually likes me."

"We're all surprised too." Clint chuckled.

"Oh, shut it, Bird Brain."

"Right back at ya, Pipsqueak."

"Um, hello?" Natasha interjected. "Peter was trying to have a moment with Y/n."

"Oh, right." Y/n nodded. "So, Gadget, what'd you wanna say to me?"

"I like you, a lot." Peter explained, rubbing the back of his neck. "And I was wondering if you'd maybe wanna go see the new Star Wars with me?"

Y/n, for the first time in her life, was flustered and sloppy as she spoke.

"I'd love to! I-I mean, yeah, yeah sure."

And with that newfound relationship came a much nicer, calmer Y/n, who still was a real bitch when it came to prank wars.

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