] Hot 'n cold [

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Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Summary: You want to see Loki's true form and he grant you your wish and discover a new kink of yours.
Warnings: smut, fluff, unprotected sex, oral sex (female receiving), temperature play, Loki in his jotun form, Loki uses his frost giant abilities, PWP!
Words: 1760

You sat impatiently on your large, soft, and royal bed in the huge bedroom, you shared with your boyfriend. The only thing that covered your body was a lace bra and matching slip in elegant emerald green, a little gift for your favorite god. It was already late at night and some candles illuminated your room with warm light while still some warm night air was blowing in through the open balcony. You took a sip from your glass of water while you waited for Loki to walk through the door.

You had a special fantasy in your mind, for ages and you wanted to try it out so badly with your boyfriend if he would play along. You knew that this wasn't Loki's favorite subject and he was reluctant to mention this topic and you hoped that your appearance and the fact that you really wanted to do it would change his mind.

You smiled broadly as the door to your room opened and the gentle sound of falling clothes filled the quiet room.

"Y/N?" Loki asked, and he stopped in all movements when he saw you. Stretched on your bed, only in underwear that showed more than it covered. He swallowed and let his eyes glide over every inch of your body. You were perfect, your beauty was breathtaking. Sometimes when he looked at you, he wondered if you were really just a mortal and not a goddess.

"Do you want to seduce me, dear?" "Maybe" you smiled and Loki pulled his top over his head and crossed the room with quick steps until he stood at the bed in front of you and bent down to kiss you.

Lovingly, your lips pressed together as you kissed. The kiss was slow gentle full of the unspoken promise for more. Loki ran his thumb over your cheek before he looked deeply into your eyes.

"You're beautiful" you smiled and pulled Loki down, so that you could kiss him again.

Slowly you led your hands glide over his chest, to the waistband of his pants, where you opened his belt and pulled it through the loops.

"You know I thought we could try something new today," you said lasciviously as your fingers slid in Loki's pants and stroked his erection.

The dark-haired groaned and raised an eyebrow, "What would that be, dear?" "Just listen okay?" Loki's brow rose again, this time surprised. You both had already tried the one or the other kink, but you never started like this, when you wanted to try something new.

"I thought we could sleep together while you show me your true form" Now it was out and Loki's eyes widened. He released your hands and stepped back.

"No, no chance Y/N!" "Loki ..." He ran a hand over his face and groaned. " Forget it!" You rose from the bed and walked towards him. You laid both of your hands on his cheeks. He looked down at the ground before he finally looked into your eyes. " Why not?" You asked gently.

"My true self is abominable, a monster, if you see it, your love for me would vanish because in the moment you see what I'm truly are you will realize that you're with a monster," he said. You shook your head. "Loki, you're not a monster, I love you, nothing will ever change that. You don't have to hide from me,. Please I trust you why don't you do the same?"

Loki put his hands on yours and broke away from you. "Showing you my true form is different than kinky sex Y/N" "Loki, I'm not going to run away, okay! I don't plan on leaving you. I would never leave you. I want you to be comfortable with me and yourself. Please" He looked at you, looking for answers in your eyes, for certainty. "Is that what you really want?" You nodded and watched as he slowly began to give in. His head rattled. If you wanted him in his true form, then your love for him would have to be sincere and endless right?

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