] in the past [

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Request: How about Loki with a SO who never talks about herself and past experiences, only for her to suddenly mention a history of abuse? 🖤 Thank you!!

Pairing: Loki x Reader

A/N: I hope this meets your expectation because I feel so shitty at the moment but writing makes me feel so much better.

For as long as anyone could remember, you were the person who was smiling at five in the morning while everyone was reluctantly getting out of bed. You were the person who tended to everyone's wounds, despite your own, after a mission. You were the person everyone turned to when they needed something happy in their lives.

And for the most part, you were that happy person. You promised yourself long ago you would never let anything stand in your way of happiness nor would you bring yourself down. It was a decree you decided to make after your painful past.

You were the first person on the team to make it back to the compound. The quintet had some issues and you were silently thanking the big man above that you decided to take your motorcycle instead of hop in the jet. All you wanted to do was crawl into bed and forget life for a few hours because not long before you left for your mission, your sister had informed you your father had died.

Loki sat on the couch with a novel in his hand when he heard footsteps around the corner. He heard your tired sigh and grinned at the sound of your voice. Loki put the book on the coffee table in front of him before standing up, making his way to engulf you in a hug until he noticed your tired face.

"Love?" he said. "Are you feeling alright?"

You sniffled and tried to keep your composure as you gave him a tight smile. "I am, Loki. I'm just tired, is all." You excused yourself from his presence and walked to your bedroom.
Confused, Loki followed suit. He knew what you looked like when you were tired, but this was something he had never seen before. Granted, you two hadn't begun dating until a couple months prior, but he had this affinity for you that even he couldn't describe. Gently knocking on your door, he heard sniffles coming from your side of the door and opened the door silently.
"Oh, Y/N," he said with a frown. He took a seat beside you on the edge of the bed and put his arms around you, pulling your body into his chest.

"I don't know how to feel," you admitted. "Everything's been going great for a while, but all of that just came crashing down."

"Do you want to talk about it? Is it one of the missions? Do I have to kick someone's ass for you?"

You shook your head. "No, none of that." You turned to face him and put your hands on both of his shoulders. "I-I know I don't talk about my past enough and I'm asking you right now not to judge me." Loki saw the desperation in your eyes and nodded, not saying a word.

You took a deep breath and sat back down on the edge of the bed. "As a child, I thought my father was the bravest man in the world. He treated me like I was his princess and I always thought of him as a king. But he snapped once my mother passed away. I'm not sure what happened or what broke inside of him.
"Soon, he began to abuse my sister and I, me mostly. If I did anything he didn't like or didn't agree with, he'd hit me. It never got past that point, but I remember every painful slap. Today my sister informed me of his passing and I'm not sure whether I feel upset or not. I know I don't feel happy."

To Loki, this came as a surprise. He knew you to be the fearless soldier out in combat and the happiest person he had ever met. One of the reasons why he became such a benevolent person was because of you constantly smiling whenever he was around and because you always seemed to be kind to him. Now he was seeing this strong person break and he wondered what he could do to put you back together.

Loki looked at you with sad eyes and brought you to his lap where your back was pressed against his chest. He cradled you in his arms and placed a tender kiss to your temple.

"I suppose you're mourning the death of the old him," he said.

"I guess. I feel a little empty inside, even though I haven't spoken to him since I left for college."

"You don't have to understand anything right now," said Loki. "You're entitled to feel this way and I'm more than happy to let the other team members know you aren't feeling too good right now."

You looked up at him and gave a small smile before sniffling once again. "Thank you, my love," you said while cupping the side of his face. You let your thumb draw slow circles and Loki returned your affections by closing his eyes for a brief moment.
"You're very cute when you're tired," Loki said. This emitted a small laugh from you and he smiled, proud that he had made you happy, even if it was only for a second. You stood from his lap and held your hand out for him. He took it and you led him out of your bedroom.

"I think I just need to be around people. I don't want to feel alone tonight and I want to surround myself with everyone I love."

Loki nodded and gripped your waist, acting as your support system as you entered the commonplace.

"Hey, Y/N. You feeling okay? I saw your motorcycle but I didn't see you when I came in," Sam said as he took off his boots. The other Avengers were tired, but were sitting around the coffee table where Loki had left his book.

"I will be," you said after taking a deep breath. "I just want to be with you guys for tonight."

Bucky scooted over and made room for you and Loki. "There's plenty of room. Let's all just talk until our tongue's fall out."
You laughed for the second time tonight and Loki's eyes were trained on you, wondering how he got so lucky.

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