] all her words [

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Pairing: Tom Holland!Peter Parker x reader

Warning: None

Rating: PG

Summary: Peter and the reader were friends in middle school but drifted apart before high school, until the reader's most beloved book gets lost.

Author: Dizzy

A/N: This is my first imagine! I have been obsessed with Tom Holland's Spider-man and couldn't help but write my own imagine.

Peter could feel his heart swell in his chest as he saw Y/n walk into the library, her (h/c) hair falling like a curtain over her soft features due to her nose being buried in her book, the same book she read everyday.

Peter couldn't remember a time when she wasn't reading Romeo & Juliet. He could see the decaying book that rested in her hands. His eyes caught sight of her face and he could tell by the crinkles in her nose and brows, she was reading an unpleasant part of the book, maybe a character death or argument, he wasn't sure.

Y/N could not recall how many times she held her copy of Romeo & Juliet in her hands, how many notes and emotions she scribbled into the margins nor could she recall how many times her face crinkled into a look of sadness due to her beloved Mercutio's death.

She pressed two pages under her thumb in an attempt to keep the loose pages in the book. She would need to tape those pages back in the book. Her eyes tore away from the page to meet the eyes of Peter Parker.

She has known Peter for the past three years, ever since the sixth grade. She hadn't talked to him in about a year, since they both changed into such different people and even though they had class together, such as the English class they were both in, she could never get the courage to talk to him.

Peter cleared his throat awkwardly and looked away from Y/N. He couldn't find the courage to look back at her, to sat something to her as he felt her eyes on him.

Y/n took a deep breath before clutching her book and making her way towards Peter, standing before him as she smiled shyly.

"Can I sit here?" She asked, pointing to the chair across from him. Peter looked up as he could feel his cheeks heat up.

"Sure." He stammered as he gathered his things and pulled them to his side of the table.

Y/n smiled and thanked him before taking a seat and setting her book on the table.

The two took one last look at one another before going back to their own tasks, not speaking to one another due to fear of an awkward encounter or tripping over their words.

Y/n could hear her heart beat in her chest, knocking against her ribs as she rushed to her locker. She had lost her beloved book and had just spent her last hour in school trying to find it. She checked the library, the last place she had seen it, the last place she had it and it wasn't there.

Without taking a single breath, she unlocked her locker and flung it open, tears burned her eyes as she looked into the locker.

Sitting on her small pile of books sat her copy of Romeo & Juliet along with a new, cleaner copy and a small note.

"You forgot this when you left. I also thought you might want a new one since the pages are falling out. - Romeo

P.S. Just kidding, it's Peter."

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