] pain fades [

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Requested by anon: "Could you do a soulmate au with deadpool where you feel your soulmates pain and they meet after he gets cancer and has the healing ability and he meets her and apologizes about all the pain"

A/N: Hope you love this anon! I tried to get some humor in there lol.


Let's talk about soulmates. That one significant person that's supposed to have been designed to be your perfect match. They're supposed to know everything about you, even the amount of pain you suffered, that's because they felt it too. Every broken bone to papercut.

So the idea of meeting his soulmate made Wade's skin crawl everything he went through, and of his own volition. How could he face you? Putting you through every needle puncture. He did everything he could to avoid his soulmate, if someone so what as flinched around him when he felt any sort of pain he got out of there fast.

But fate has a way of doing it's job.

Wade was walking down a cold damp sidewalk. His hood was pulled over his head, protecting him from the cold rain and the stares from passersby. By the time he reached his location his hood was soaked with rain, but the chill didn't really bother him. After everything he's been through, cold was the last thing he felt.

Reaching the door to his location he entered a small tucked away coffee shop. A diamond in the rough if one will. It had good coffee but many people didn't know about it, making it perfect. When he came in he sat at a table in the corner, avoiding the eyes of the other patrons.

He knew every worker in this place. So when he heard an unfamiliar voice and laugh he couldn't help but look up. He saw you behind the counter laughing at a joke one of your co-workers had made. Countering it with one of your own, making Wade chuckle.

Noticing you look over, he watched as you grab a pen and order pad before walking from behind the counter.

He ducked his head and pulled his hood further over his face.

"Hello Sir, I'm [F/n]. Is there anything I can get you today?" You asked in a friendly tone. A smile crossing your face.

Wade didn't pick up his head just answered with a simple order of black coffee. Black as his soul to be exact, making a laugh escape from your throat and him to allow a smile.

He peeked up after you left, watching you walk back to the counter. He found you rather attractive, but you'd never go for someone as disfigured and unappealing as him.

He ducked his head again when you returned with the cup of coffee. "Will there be anything else for you sir?" Asking with the same cheery tone.

"Um, no this is fine." He nodded.

Taking a sip he immediately recoiled, "Fuck that's hot" you both said in unison. His eyes widened and he looked up at you. Seeing you holding your lip the same place he was burned.

"Oh my god" you muttered in disbelief. Wade immediately got self conscious and pulled at his hood to cover his head more. "No, not that" you said stopping him, allow him to take the hood off.

Looking back at the counter before sitting across from him. He just stared at you, "I guess we're soulmates" smiling at him.

"I-I guess so" his stare never ceasing. "I'm sorry. I uh. For everything, you felt everything. I'm so sorry I never wanted to inflict that kind of pain on you and now you're stuck with some disfigured t-Rex for a soulmate" he apologized profusely.

You shook your head, "You mean your skin? That doesn't bother me." Smiling comfortingly at him.


You nodded, "You see, my brother used to be a firefighter. But he got caught in a fire helping when he was off duty. Not having any of his gear ended with him having severe burns. I-I guess because of that and the way his wife accepts him and everyone accepts him, makes it not really bother me. I find you extremely handsome..." Pausing where a name would be.

Shaking off his stunned expression he said "Wade Wilson"

You smiled "Wade. I'm [F/n] [L/n]"

He smiled at you. "You really don't mind being with me."

Nodding you answered "Well I guess I have a thing for T-Rex's" chuckling.

Laughing he said, "Yup, I guess so. You do know, all dinosaurs feared the T-Rex" making you laugh. "I've said that in a movie before" he nodded (Warning: mind the fourth wall).

"Oh really? Well I guess I'm talking to a movie star"

He chuckled "You have no idea" *winks at audience*

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