] you abandoned me. 4 [

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Summary: Now that the team is back together, things need to be resolved. (Y/N) is stubborn and won't cooperate making her the problem that everyone has to deal with.

Characters: Steve Rogers x Reader, Tony Stark x Reader (platonic), Avengers x Reader (platonic)

Meanings: (Y/N)= Your name

Warnings: Sad, arguing, shouting, angst


There we all were, gathered around a table in a conference room. No one had said anything yet though there was a thick file placed in the middle of the table. Where had I seen this scenario before?

"So we're all agreed?" Natasha decided to speak.

The others nodded their heads or mumbled a 'yes'. The file was the agreement papers about the Avengers. The government had made some compromises to ensure that the others wouldn't be fugtives. I didn't know the full story as I had nothing to do with it, left in the dark again, as per usual.

"Right, now to the actual important stuff." she grabbed the file, dumping it behind her in the floor.

"We need to resolve all arguments between everyone. I know that it will be hard to do but if we're going to protect the people on this earth, we need to get along." Clint added.

"Anyone want to go first?"

"Well it's pretty clear who has the biggest problem." Sam pointed out, his gaze going to me and Steve.

Neither of us dared to look at each other. He was sat on the other side of the table, luckily not directly in front of me, with Bucky by his side who looked like he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole. Not a word was said until Natasha spoke again.

"I think that's a more private matter."

"But how will we know if they sort it out? I'm not doing this out of spite, we all want you two to make up." Sam said.

I remained silent.

"It's more of a private matter." Steve mumbled, repeating Nat's words.

"Then we'll leave you to it." Tony decided, standing from his seat as everyone followed him out of the room.

"You gonna be ok?" Steve asked Bucky who just nodded.

I watched him closely as he walked out. His eyes met mine for a second before he was out of the room. I looked back down at my hands, not wanting to say anything. I wasn't even sure what I was supposed to say. A part of me just wanted all of this to be over, another part wanted to confront him.

"(Y/N), please look at me." Steve softly asked.

Somehow, I had the courage to start talking."Every night for the past month, I wished that this was all just a dream, a nightmare, that I would wake up and see you sleeping beside me. I wanted the team to be together, I wanted to walk into the kitchen knowing that they would all be sat around the table, bickering over breakfast. It was the simple things I wished for. Was I asking for too much?"

"No, you weren't."

My head was in my hands so I only heard him getting out of his seat. I thought he was leaving again until I felt a hand on my back and the other holding mine. My vision was blurry from the tears but I could still see the sadness on his face.

"You have every right to be angry at me. I wasn't thinking straight that night I left and I'm not going to make excuses. You have no idea how much I missed you, I was hoping that when I sent that phone over, you or Tony would call."

"I can't believe he didn't tell me. Rhodey too."

"Don't blame them, they probably thought it was for the best."

"They saw how broken I was. They comforted me and I looked after them. All of those times I helped Rhodey in physiotherapy and he knew about it all. Steve, I've lost sleep over this, I've lost weight, I've lost friends!"

"(Y/N), please, I'm sorry. If I could take it all back I would."

I stared at him for a little longer."How do I know you won't leave me? If Bucky is staying here, won't you want to spend all of your time with him?"

"Of course I want to spend time with him, he's only just remembered me. He needs help adjusting just like I did. But I can promise you that you will not be left behind again."

"You better keep that promise then."

The next few days were a little awkward. Everyone was trying their hardest to get along, it just seemed strange to go back to the way it used to be, especially after such a big fight. Although Steve and I weren't all over each other like we used to be, we were still claiming that we we're back together. He had asked if we could stay at the tower just to make sure Bucky was going to be ok. Although I was against it, I didn't tell him that. We stayed in our room, sleeping side by side...well for most nights anyway.

Steve had requested that Bucky be put on the same floor as us. However, he had nightmares almost every night, I was surprised the whole tower wasn't awoken by him screams. I felt bad for getting angry with him, he had been captured by HYDRA, had a metal arm and was brainwashed into killing people. I supposed it had something to do with my hatred towards him that I found him so intolerable.

I thought for one night I might be able to get some sleep. It was quite late and there had been no screams so far. But I was very wrong. They startled me awake, jolting in Steve's arms. For once he wasn't woken up. I watched him for a few seconds and he still wouldn't open his eyes. Sighing as another wave of pained screams echoed through the halls, I slipped out of Steve's embrace. There was once last cry before it was silent. I found myself knocking on Bucky's door, wondering whether this was really a good idea.

"Bucky?" I called out before entering.

As I opened the door I saw him sat up in bed, his breathing fast as he held his head in his hands. I had spoken to him once since he arrived and that was only to ask him to grab me something from a cupboard. He lifted his head to look at me, confusion etched all over.

"(Y/N), w-what are you doing here? I woke you again, didn't I?" he sighed now looking ashamed.

"Yeah but it's ok. Steve wasn't waking up so I decided to come and see if you were ok." I sat beside him.

His metal arm reflected in the light from the bedside table."I know you don't want to be here. You can go."

"Well I'm here now, no point leaving."

He didn't say anything back.

"You know, you don't have to be scared anymore. Of course it's going to be hard but people are here to support you."

"Are you one of those people?"



"I'm not going to lie Bucky, you know that I don't like you much."

"Is this about Steve? When he told me he left you, I gave him a hard time about it. He had talked about you so much, it was clear to see he was happy."

I was taken back by how much he had said to me."I...did he really? He used to go on about you all the time too."

He gave me a small smile before looking back down at his thighs.

"Do you think you'll be alright now?"

He mumbled a 'yes'.

"Well you know where we are if you need us."

I went to open the door until he called out to me.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused, it's just the way I am."

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