] poison [

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Warning: death!

joker imagine

Your P.O.V.

The day was long, the minutes felt like hours and the hours seemed like days. The fear was buried deep inside of me but it felt like it tried to crawl out of it's cage. I was alone up in the fancy penthouse as my boyfriend, the Joker was out on a manhunt. Joker's enemy had made a nasty remark about us and a promise of my death. So ever since, I had been walking around in fear of my end.

It was cold. I was dressed in my underwear and a white bathrobe. I had just showered and the water was on my delicate skin, making the air around me seem colder. As I walked through the corridor as I made my way to the kitchen, I felt sick. It's like someone was watching my every move but I tried to tell myself it was just paranoia. I was all by myself. Right?

A couple awfully long minutes passed as I prepared myself some tea. The water wasn't boiling yet so I turned by back on the kettle. Silently, I walked to another room to grab myself a bag of tea. I picked out lemon tea, in hopes it would ease my mind. Then I returned to our big, open kitchen and finished off the cup of the tasty deliciousness, suspecting nothing.

But as I sipped on my drink for a while, watching TV as well, I began to feel dizzy. The tea tasted a bit bitter which I had tried to fix with a ridiculous amount of sugar. It made my throat sting and my stomach was burning. I grunted in pain and put the cup away, afraid I was sick. As I saw my hand, I was shocked to see how blurred my vision was. Everything moved in slow motion as I tried to look at something.

By now, my heart was burning. I clenched onto my bathrobe and fell down on my knees on the floor, holding onto the table with my other hand. A stinging pain took over my entire body and my head was killing me. Even a task as simple as breathing felt heavy, as if my lungs were full of water. ''No..'' I choked out as I realized what had happened. Tears stung my eyes and I felt scared, devastated!

Someone was here with me and that someone had poisoned my tea. The realization of that terrified me but it also filled me with anger. I gritted my teeth together so hard it ached my jaw. Then I forced myself up and I grabbed my gun from the table. I could barely stand on my two legs but I somehow did it.

''G-get..out!'' I screamed with my last energy, turning around in panic but I saw no one. I was light-headed and I almost stumbled a couple times. I was disappointed that I didn't find anyone around me and that I would die without getting the pleasure of killing my poisoner.

Suddenly, my entire body grew weak. I couldn't control my strongest muscles anymore so they just shut down, making me fell face first onto the carpet floor. It hurt my body so much I moaned out in pain. Somehow, the shiny black gun was still in my hand and I tried to hold onto it tightly, partly to bear the pain that made me feel nauseous. I began coughing, so harshly it hurt my windpipe. As I looked at the liquid I coughed, I realized it was blood. It stained the beautiful carpet floor, leaving an ugly spot of redness.

''Y/N?'' A faint voice caught my attention. I couldn't lift my head, man I could barely move my eyes. Even they were blurred by the tears that were unstoppable. I had tears on my face as I lied on the floor, fearing that I would die. I wouldn't be with J anymore! The reality shattered my heart and soul.

''Y/N!'' The person yelled and I recognized him. It was the Joker. A couple moments later he had turned me around so I was on my back. My eyes were directed at him but I couldn't do much. My body was shutting down slowly, muscle by muscle and it would soon reach my heart. The poison was bringing me to my end painfully.

''No..no..This can't happen'' He growled madly and squeezed my shoulders. I looked at him, blinking my tears away as blood ran down the sides of my face along with tears. I couldn't process this all in my mind. I didn't want to die and leave J behind. ''Y/N!'' He roared out my name and then looked around the penthouse. He was faced with the same disappointment as I, no one was here. The killer had left.

''Frost! Get your ass over here now!'' J yelled loudly and his words echoed in my head. I knew that saving me was unrealistic. They didn't know what poison I had been poisoned with and I was already in such a horrible state. So I used my last energy to move my fingers, crawling them so I could move my hand closer to J. He noticed my attempt of touching him so he helped me out.

He wasn't a very loving type of boyfriend but he did hold my hand. I noticed that his skin was much warmer than mine. It felt good to hold him. ''No..Don't'' I tried to speak although my sentence was short lived. I could tell by the mad look on J's face that he wanted to kill, he desired to find his enemy and tear him apart limb by limb. Although he never told me he loved me, he had shown it and I could tell he didn't want to let go of me just yet. He was clenching his jaw and his eyes were becoming glossy, but no tears were seen. He tried to be strong.

''Life's..u-unfair'' I mumbled, then coughing again. It hurt like hell as I coughed, probably tearing apart my windpipe by each cough. Blood splattered on my chest and on the carpet, causing a horrifying scene. J cupped my face with his free hand and he seemed to accept that there was nothing they could do.

''Y/N, my pumpkin, I swear I'll torture the man who did this in such ways he'll wish he had never been born'' J told me as strongly as he could. I smiled, happy to know he'd seek vengeance for my death. Then I sniffled, barely managing to inhale air anymore. As I blinked, my surroundings turned darker, almost like the sun was setting. I knew that it was because I was bleeding out my soul.

''S-see you later, J'' I coughed out some last words, not being strong enough to actually say farewell. He smiled a crimson smile, which I was thankful for. then he wiped away one of my tears, leaning down to me. ''See you later my little devil'' He whispered into my ear and planted a soft kiss on my cooled down skin. I shut my eyes after that, drifting away not so much later.

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