] your period x steve rogers [

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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader

Featuring: Clint Barton, Bucky Barnes and Tony Stark

Word count: 1161 words

Warnings: some swearing

Tags: none but let me know if you want to be tagged in my stories. You can chose the character in which you want to be tagged on of course :)

Summary: reader is on her period and is rude to everyone except Steve.

Notes: It's been a while since I wanted to write this one but I guessed it would be easier to write it if I was on my period so here you go hahha I hope you like it!

Why on earth this had to happen every month? Just because supposedly a stupid girl decided to eat from the only tree she wasn't supposed to eat? And now you had to spend a whole week every months curled up in ball, feeling miserable and wanting to kill with your bare hands to whoever dared to look at you. Sounded unfair, didn't it? But that's how it worked.

Every single month you became so moody during that week. You felt like crying most of the time but you would snap at anyone who annoyed you, and you were easily annoyed during those days. Just a single comment about your hair could make you explode. You only wanted to cuddle up in bed and eat chocolate ice-cream while you watched stupid comedies that weren't even funny.

You knew the day was close, your ovaries were started to kill you slowly and you had snapped at Clint just because he told you he thought you had put too much cream on your chocolate. So now everyone in the tower knew that week was close and they were extra careful when talking to you.

Finally one morning you woke up feeling a sharp pain in your stomach which made you curse under your breath. Slowly, you got up carefully so you wouldn't wake Steve up who was deeply asleep after yesterday's mission. When you looked at the bed you saw a tiny red spot where you slept which made you groan. You took some panties from the closet and went to the bathroom to change, clean yourself up and put a sanitary towel on your panties. You wanted to use a tampon but there were none. Finally you walked out of the bathroom feeling completely defeated already. You didn't want to wake Steve up but you definitely needed him at the moment so you sat down on the edge of the bed by his side and shook his softly.

"Steve..." You mumbled when he groaned. After a few moments he turned and laid on his back, opening his eyes a little bit to look at you but opened them completely when he saw your pouting face.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked frowning as he sat up.

"It's the day..." You said looking down at your hands.

"What?" He asked still half asleep but when he saw the red spot on your side of the bed it hit him. "Oh, I see", he said nodding and looked at you. "Do you need something?"

He pulled you closer to him and wrapped his arms around you, rubbing your back slowly as you snuggled into his chest closing your eyes.

"I don't have any tampon left... And there's no ice cream", you whispered. You felt his chest shook when he chuckled a little.

"Ok", he kissed your head and pulled you away softly. "What about you go and prepare a delicious hot chocolate with tons of cream while I go to the store real quickly?" He suggested stroking your hair slowly.

After a moment you nodded and got up so he could do the same. He changed into some sweat pants and a hoodie quickly. You followed him out of the room and downstairs silently. You could tell it was early since you didn't hear voices coming out of the kitchen or anywhere for that matter.

"I'll be back in a moment and we can spend the day cuddling up, alright baby girl?" He said stopping you.

"Alright", you said with a small smile.

He leaned down and kissed you softly before jogging to the elevator as you walked to the kitchen to prepare hot chocolate for you and a coffee for him. You took out two mugs and started preparing everything silently, trying to ignore the pain in your lower stomach.

Soon you heard some voices coming downstairs and you sighed since you didn't feel like seeing anyone. Clint and Bucky walked into the kitchen. Clint was saying something about baseball that you weren't interested in.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Clint said happily as he saw you.

"Morning", Bucky smiled at you as well.

"Hi", you said simply. They both shut up and looked at each other.

"You ok?" Clint asked cautiously.

You completely hated when someone asked you that during your period. You didn't look ok. Not at all and they still had to ask you!? Why? Wasn't it obvious that you weren't alright and you definitely didn't want to speak to anyone? You looked up slowly and something in your eyes made Bucky open his eyes widely and helped Clint to understand what was going on.

"I see", he whispered.

"Oh you do? You really do see? And what do you see, Barton?" You said slowly. If the situation was any different you would probably laugh at Bucky's face. He looked shocked and even a bit scared. He was still new in the team so he still hadn't see you in your best days of the month.

"You're on those days, right?" Clint asked chuckling a little which was a huge mistake.

"Yes Clint. I am on those days. Is it funny? Because it definitely doesn't feel funny when my vagina is literally crying fucking blood, when I feel like crying but then laughing and then crying again. And you can be damn sure it will not be funny when I smack your head against the wall, Barton." As much as he tried, Clint just couldn't keep his face straight. It was just too funny to him seeing how moody you became, but it was all new to Bucky.


When Steve walked into the kitchen carrying a couple of bags your mood immediately changed and you suddenly felt like crying out of nothing. He looked at you and then at Clint before chuckling knowing he had probably annoyed you like always. When he looked at Bucky he laughed out loud at his face.

"You're back", you said hurrying to where he was just to hug him. He wrapped his free arm around you and kissed your head softly.

"Why don't you go upstairs and I get everything ready for you?" He asked against your hair.

With a nod you turned to take your mug full of chocolate and cream and left the kitchen sending a death glare to Clint.

"What was that?" You heard Bucky.

"Women's day", Clint laughed shaking his head.

You heard him so you took a cushion from the couch and threw it at him. As always, you hit the back of his head which made you smile proudly before continuing your way to the stairs where you found Tony.

"Wow, you look awful", he said looking down at you.

"Tony!" Steve said from the kitchen.

"Fuck you, Stark", you said coldly as you walked upstairs.

"What did I do?" Was the last thing you heard before you slammed the door of the room. This was going to be a long week.

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