] you abandoned me. 8 [

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Summary: (Y/N) thoroughly believes that her life is about to end, there's no way that the super serum would run through her body without some sort of harm. All she can do is pray for a peaceful death.

Meanings: (Y/N)= Your name

Characters: Steve Rogers x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader (platonic), Avengers x Reader (platonic).

Warnings: Violence, swearing


I could feel the sweat rapidly producing out of my skin, my whole body trembling within the restraints, the heavy breathing and incredibly loud beating of my heart were almost bursting my ear drums. It was like time had slowed right down, the needles the lab coats were holding were all aiming at different parts of my body. This was it. My life was about to end. As soon as those needles pierced my skin it would harm every cell in my body, causing excruciating pain until all the life was sucked out of me. Sure, Steve had also been fragile when he underwent the experiment but he was in good hands; I was surrounded by evil men who worked for an even worse organisation.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I took in a gulp of airl, waiting for the feeling of pain to arrive. I would never see any of my friends or family again, I would never marry Steve or have my own children. No, these couldn't be the last things in my mind. Just think happy thoughts, happy thoughts...

A swooshing noise filled the silence along with the smashing if glass and confused cried of the lab coats. Opening my eyes, I saw that they were no longer holding needles, but I saw arrows in some of the men's torsos. They could only belong to one person .

"Sorry to interrupt your science experiment boys but that's our lab rat." Clint called out, shooting more men down. He was dangling from the framework on the ceiling, just acting casual.

The guards from before rushed into the room, aiming their guns at Hawkeye. What they didn't realise with all their attention on him was that the others were swooping in right behind them.

"Clint, please go back into retirement with your puns." I heard Tony as he flew in with his suit, blasting the soldiers down.

"Come on man, it wasn't that bad." he hopped down from the ceiling, fighting a few guys easily.

Just as I thought that everything was going to be good again the lab coat who seemed to be the leader untied my restraints, thinking that he could somehow escape with me. He was panicking, it was easy to see. As soon as one of my foot restraints were unbuckled I kicked him the face, the evident sound of a broken nose going me with satisfaction. He stumbled back, clutching his nose as blood seeped out. However I was still stuck.

"Hey, I got you." Natasha's voice startled me as she hovered over me, undoing the rest of the restraints.

"Thank god you're here." I suddenly started crying, realising that I had been saved.

"Come on, I'm going to get you out. Take this." She handed me a gun, knowing that I was capable of using it.

Clint and Tony covered us as we dashed out of the laboratory. Nat did most of the fighting but I had been taught a few skills by her (the most intense training I had ever been through). We quickly made it out as most of the guards were already taken out and the rest were defenseless scientists. Reaching a corridor, Nat guided me out of that place, gripping into my hand tightly and her other on her gun.

"Wait!" a thought came to my mind making her come to an abrupt stop."What about Bucky!?"

"He's being rescued. We sent Steve there so he wouldn't be sidetracked by you and could get Bucky out quicker." she was trying to be careful with her words still thinking that I felt hatred towards him.

"Right. Good plan. Let's go."

Nat seemed confused but tugged me along anyway. My heart was still beating way faster than it should have been, not only because of how much we had to run and ensure but because of my nervousness. I was always like this when the others were on missions but now I was in one. I wasn't really paying attention as Nat got us out of the facility.

She slowed down, pushing me behind her before we could turn a corner."There are some guards up ahead, quite a few. Stay here whilst I take them out."

I nodded, gripping into my gun as she headed round the corner. I heard noise of pain and thus as I assumed that bodies were hitting the floor. Stupidly I let my guard down, thinking that we would be out of here in less than a minute. Out of my peripheral vision I saw a man storming towards me, it was the guy leading the experiment. His angry face and determined strides distracted me as I never saw the gun he was wielding. Just as my instincts kicked in to shot him, he beat me to it.

The sound of a bullet was the most frightening thing in the world, especially when the weapon was aimed at you. A sudden flash of agonising pain shot up my leg, making it's way through my body. My mouth opened as far as it could, releasing the loudest scream I think I had ever mustered. Gaping for air I collapsed to the floor, blood rushing out of the wound. Staring up at him wide eyed in shock, he got closer to me, reaching for my other leg and dragging me away.

"NATASHA! NAT PLEASE HELP ME!" I shouted out, but there was no reply. Where was she? Was she hurt!?

He kept dragging me, my blood staining the floor. I had never felt such agony before. My screaming didn't stop, I tried to get out of his grip, thinking it would be relatively easy, however that was not the case. My loss of blood was making me weaker, I started to go light headed before passing out from shock.

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