] "you have to choose", pt 2 [

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Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader x Clint Barton

Featuring: Steve Rogers

Words: 2574

Warning: none

Tags: @always-keep-on-fighting

Request: Requested by :

"If you can, I'd like one of clint again. Where tony and clint like the reader both and things get complicated since they get jealous of one another for the reader but in the end the reader decides clint"

Notes: Sorry it took me so long to write this second part. I'm having a hard time finding inspiration lately but I finally managed to write it. There is still another part left that I will post asap! Hope you like this one :)


Steve couldn't actually believe what you were about to do. Of course, he supported you but he still thought it was crazy.

"Steve you were the one telling me I had to choose" you said as you came out of the bathroom with a different outfit. The third one.

"I know but I never thought you would do it with some kind of contest", he shrugged.

You sighed looking into the mirror. You hated doing it like this but it was too late to cancel. You were supposed to meet Clint downstairs in 45 minutes, you had to do it. And you had no idea about what to wear.

"Damn, Steve, what should I wear? I'm going crazy here", you asked turning to look at him. "I don't even know where he's taking me, if it will be a fancy place or if showing up with a dress and heels will be too much", you sighed.

"What have you two usually done on your dates?" He asked.

"Mm...ordinary things", you said with a small smile. "Bowling, pizza, movies...simple things", you shrugged. Actually you had always loved your dates with Clint.

"There you go. Use something simple. Nice though, but nothing extravagant", he told you.

Sounded like a plan. With a nod, you walked to the closet and took a flourish skirt, a black top and some sandals. That would be do it. You walked back to the bathroom and get dressed, this time you didn't go out again, you just did your hair and make up before joining Steve again.

"That's my girl", he smiled getting up. "Listen, as crazy as this plan sounds... I'm with you ok?" he told you.

With a smile you nodded before he kissed your forehead and walked out of the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You still had 10 minutes left so you sat down on the bed and closed your eyes. You had always had so much fun with Clint, he always made you laugh and feel loved. He was safe, he was good for you and you knew it. But still, you couldn't take Tony out of your head.

Finally, you got up and, after taking your purse and jacket, you walked out of the room, feeling your nervousness growing. It didn't surprise to find Clint already waiting next to the elevator since he had always been so punctual. As you saw how he was dressed, you felt relieved. He was using some jeans and a button up shirt. Nothing too fancy, but nice.

"Hey", he smiled kissing your cheek. "You look great", he added looking at you up and down.

"You don't look bad yourself, Barton" you winked.

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