] Mjölnir [

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(Y/N) = Your Name
(Y/S/C) = Your Skin Color
(Y/H/C) = Your Hair Color
(Y/E/C) = Your Hair Color

Imagine being able to lift Thor's hammer

You scowl, ignoring the sneers and rude comments thrown at you by the others in your school. Your dark wings are tucked against your back, and you keep your head down as you walk. You feel a shiver run through your wings and you stop walking, expecting to see some food thrown in front of you. You definitely aren't expecting a huge blue alien-cat thing to come flying in through the nearest hallway window and to hop off of its flying bike thing. It lets out a wet screaming sound and you race to the side, grabbing one of the visiting grade schooler and continuing to run. You drop the kid by her mom before turning and ramming into the thing. It screams at you again and jabs at you with some golden thing.

Another shiver runs through you and you duck as a huge hammer comes flying into the room, landing against the wall. You have no time to recognize said hammer before you're picking it up and swinging it like a baseball bat. It hits the creature directly in the face and you spread your huge wings out so you don't fall forwards. The hammer is perfectly balanced, and you'd used all of your strength on that swing. You nearly just face planted.

"Look out!" The little girl that you saved screams and you duck as a huge bolt of swirling blue zips past your head and into the wall behind you. When the wall explodes you cuss and run forwards, debris raining down on you from behind. You jump up and kick another one of the aliens in the stomach before hitting it on the side of it's head with the hammer. You do another spinning kick, and your foot connects solidly with another's head. You hit it in the jaw with the hammer to make sure it won't get back up.

"Is there any more?" You ask, turning around wildly, hammer raised in one hand and your other arm up in a half defensive half offensive position. Your large navy blue wings are spread and perked up in aggression, but when you turn it isn't an enemy standing behind you. It's one of the avengers. The god. Thor, right? Something akin to electricity shoots up your arm and then you finally look down at the hammer you've been using as a weapon. You recognize the symbol on the side, see that Thor is looking between you and the hammer, and then you open your hand to drop said hammer. Too bad it doesn't move from your hand, hovering where you'd been holding it and refusing to drop. Oh god, what just happened. And is happening now?

You aren't able to ask the questions because at that time another wave of aliens bursts into the room. You and Thor work back to back. Thor uses his lightning abilities and you use his hammer. After all of the aliens are on the ground around you and Thor, you turn to the god, breathing heavily. Not because you're tired, but because of the adrenaline rushing through you.

"What is your name?" Thor asks, holding out his hand a bit. You feel a tug on Mjölnir, but when you open your hand it drops to the floor by your feet instead of flying to Thor. The god raises a brow before lowering his hand.

"(Y/N)." You say, blowing a few strands of (Y/H/C) hair out of your eyes. Thor nods before motioning to Mjölnir. Your brows furrow.

"Do as I did. Try to summon Mjölnir to your hand." The god orders. You lift your hand hesitantly, shrugging when Mjölnir doesn't move. "It takes more than the physical movement. Mjölnir considers you worthy, therefore it will allow you to order and summon it. Try again." Thor orders. You cross your arms, uncomfortable with the attention aimed at you. When Thor looks at you meaningfully you sigh and uncross your eyes.

Come here. You order the hammer mentally, holding out your hand. Your (Y/E/C) eyes widen when a wave of energy and power rolls through you. Mjölnir flies up into your hand, and your stance switches around a second earlier so you don't go flying backwards. You let out a quiet grunt when the hammer hits your open hand, and you close the hand quickly. Mjölnir is still perfectly balanced as you swing it a few times, and Thor is looking you up and down.

'Follow me." Thor murmurs before holding his hand open. You toss Mjölnir to the god of thunder, and he swings it a few times in a circle before taking off. You spread your wings and take off after him a few seconds later.

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