] right back at you [

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Well, I have been on a slump between my last actual post and sometime today but I had this short piece written earlier so I decided to share with everyone. Trying to find inspiration in writing the requests that I currently have and it's been hard, no kidding. Anyways, that aside, another Arthur Curry imagine - I went on an Arthur Curry imagines binge reading earlier and it was fun! There are mistakes here and there but hope you enjoy reading this - whatever this may be.


"You are the only person in the world I don't hate right now" is as close as Arthur gets to saying "I love you" and I am alright with that."

Barry looks at you curiously; there is nothing but the truth behind your words and Barry has seen the both of you interact and even then, he still wonders how the two of you are with each other.

Being the empath that you are, you give him a small smile. "I think it is safe to say that Arthur is really bad with words?" You shake your head. "Rather, I think Arthur has a very hard time trying to convey his actual feelings."

Barry opens his mouth to refute before he remembered that one time where Arthur accidentally sat on the Lasso of Truth and he nods his head, agreeing to your words. That had been funny if it was not for the fact that Arthur had threatened to unleash all the Piranhas at him should he bring up what Arthur said on that very day.

"Yeah," Barry nods his head again. "That is - so, very true." He laughs awkwardly and you give him a smile before you pat him on the head, having seen Barry as a little brother figure. Barry gives you a sheepish smile.

"Thank you for concern though, Barry. Perhaps, one of these days we can hang out and you can show me your city?" You ask him and Barry grins. You excuse yourself from the living room, padding over to the gym where you know a certain Atlantean likes to hang around and once you arrived at the gym, you see Arthur and Bruce sparring - it brings a smile to your face to see that look of determination on Arthur's face.

You knocked twice on the doorframe before leaning against said doorframe to stare at the two men. Bruce nods his head at you before heading towards the bench where he had placed his belongings while Arthur walks up to you.

When Arthur reaches you, he smirks before wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you to him, causing you to smile. Unlike other women who tended to shy away from sweaty men, you never minded Arthur being sweaty. There is just something about him that... dare you say it, turns you on, especially when he is like this: hair pulled up in a bun, sweat rolling down his back and that smug look on his face.

"Hey, Sweets. Enjoying the show?" Arthur cockily ask as he peers down to look at you.

You chuckle, placing your palm over his chest. "Hey yourself." You give him a cheeky smile as you continue to openly stare at Arthur.

"The two of you can pretend I don't exist and continue with," Bruce waves his free hand in the air before giving the two of you an unreadable look. You press your face on to Arthur's chest, stifling your laughter.

Arthur roars in laughter, briefly tightening the hold he has on you. "Jealous, Wayne?"

Bruce gives the two of you the most dead-pan expression he can make before saying in a straight face, "Just make sure to keep it in the bedroom."

You flush furiously as you continue to laugh, shaking your head at what Bruce is implying.

Arthur takes the jibe with good-heart. "Well, I haven't exactly tried this room yet." He makes a quick move to scan the room, wiggling his eyebrows.

Bruce chuckles before patting Arthur's back. He then pads over towards the entrance. "I might need to inform Alfred to put in a request for new equipments." He mutters but it was loud enough for the both of you to hear. "Bye, guys! Have a nice day." Bruce waves his hand and leaves the room.

"Arthur," You lightly smack his chest. "That wasn't nice."

Arthur palms your cheek and gives you a long, deep kiss that leaves you breathless when he pulled away a minute later. "You talk too much, sweets." You roll your eyes before pulling him down for another kiss.

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