] i'm Just P e t e r [

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Hello lovelies! This is my first ever imagines so I'm sorry if it sucks!

@imaginesyes who sent me a message asking for: "Can you write peter parker? maybe reader falling in love with him at the moment she saw him and peter noticing something but he doesn't think someone like reader could actually like him?"

Your wish is my command, This is set after homecoming.

Warnings: None, just fluff. So, here it is:

(Peters POV)

She was walking across the hallway, next to her friends, her head was flung back in laughter that damn laugh. It filled the air, drifting across to him. He watched her in awe, (y/f/n) (y/l/n). After everything with the vulture had dissipated, she walked into school one day with not the faintest idea of whose heart she had captured. "Peter!" Ned's voice grew louder in his ears, snapping him away from looking at her. His face was almost exasperated, "You were drooling over (y/n), again." He chuckled a bit, and Peter face flushed as he shut his locker, "I-I wasn't I was just...staring." He nodded with a sigh, walking down the hall.

Going into a class which he didn't find interesting in anyway shape or form. He sat with his head rested on his chin when he heard her voice. "I've been moved to this class" Her voice rung out, as she spoke, like a song. Peter quickly sat up, eyes wide and cheeks covered in a light pink tinge. She looked around and their eyes met, he couldn't help himself as he began smirking at her, he could have sworn he saw her blush upon seeing him, no, no she didn't Peter, You are just seeing things, he thought to himself.

(Readers POV)

Looking around the room her eyes landed on the boy, the boy with curly brown hair and chocolate eyes. She stopped dead in the middle of a sentence, admiring him. Admiring the way his hair dropped onto his forehead, the way his mouth curled at the corners into a small smirk. The teacher directed her to sit with the boy, and she couldn't exactly complain about it. Why had she never noticed him before? She felt her heart flood, pounding against her chest so loudly she almost thought he would hear her, it took one look, one look at him and she was struck by him. She sat down next to him, in a silence watching him in the corner of her eyes, was he even aware of what he had just done to her?

"I'm Parker. I-I mean P-Peter Parker." He said quietly, his eyes kept darting from her to his notebook, "Peter." She nodded, Peter Parker. His name kept playing in her mind, before she realised she needed to introduce herself, "Im (y/n), (y/l/n)" She extended her hand to his under the desk. Their hands met sending shivers down her spine, and unknown to her, down his too. They worked side by side, in a perfect type of harmony until the bell rung. She felt her heart beat quicken as she turned to face him again, "Do-Do you want to study tonight?-With me?" Peters voice hit her in a flood of stammers. She nodded, taking a gulp, "Great, yeah, Thats awesome!" Peter smiled at her, How can one persons smile light a room like that? "Well, uh-here, at five!" Peter handed her an address, before running from the room.

(Peters POV)

"Is it a date?!" He asked May frantically, "It can't be right? She just wanted to study, with me" Peters voice was jumping octaves, as he paced the room 4:45pm. She would be here soon, too soon. "Peter!" May said chuckling, "Take it easy, you look like you are going to explode" She laughed a bit, "I am going to explode aunt may! She's the most beautiful girl i've ever seen!" Peter said back loudly, panic setting in as he heard the door. "Oh god" Peter said, as May let the girl in.

They sat side by side on his floor, and he kept meeting her eyes. Was she staring at him? Why would she? He's just Peter Parker, and She was the most beautiful girl in New York, Why would she even look twice at him? Why did she even come here? He wasn't anything special he was just Peter Parker, nothing like her. He took a deep breath.

(Readers POV)

She couldn't help but watch him, laugh at his chemistry puns, admire his smile. She found herself more in love with him the more time she spent with him, one look was all it took. She couldn't take it, not knowing what to do. She shoved the notebooks to the side looking at him before finally speaking breaking the awkward silence that had befell, "I like you Peter" She blurted it out, her face turning redder. His eyes went wide, "I-I" He tried to speak but she pressed on, "It took one look at you, and you made me fall for you." She stated, biting her lip, "M-Me?" Peter pointed to himself, "I-You I like you too, but your all you, I'm just Peter-" He tried to continue, but she placed a hand over his, linking their fingers together, She spoke one more word, so soft and so sweet, music to his ears "Exactly."

Sorry, if this wasn't exactly what was wanted, but I gave it my best shot. I hope it was at least enjoyable, and maybe when I next get free time I could add a part two? Let me know what y'all think! Thanks x

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