] drunk calls [

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"What the...?" You turned around on the bed when the sound of your phone woke you up. The clock said it was almost 4 in the morning. Looking at the phone you saw it was Tony, what was this? "Tony?" You said when you picked it up.

Tony and you had a huge fight earlier that day. You both had said the wrong things to each other. Everything had started with a stupid comment about one of your exes and it just escalated from there. Before you could know what was going on, he was breaking up with you and leaving the tower, fuming and not saying where he was going.

That was more than five eight hours, now it was late in the morning and you had fallen asleep as you waited for him to come back. But you didn't expect him to call you over the phone.

"It's not fair", he said. You could hear how slurred his voice was.

"Are you drunk?" You asked seating up.

"Not the point", he mumbled. You couldn't hear anything in the background so he wasn't at any bar.

"Tony where are-?" You said already getting out of the bed but he didn't let you speak.

"It's not fair. You were the one s-saying that a-about t-that dumbass and I'm the the o-one w-wasted?" He said. Biting your lip you got up and hurried out of the room willing to go and pick him up wherever it was necessary. "Y-you know how much I love you, hon, and I d-didn't want t-to break up with you."

"Tony, it's ok. Just tell me where you are so I can pick you up." You said trying to sound as calm as you could.

"I-I hate that g-guy. He p-played wi-with y-you." He said. "And I d-don't d-deserve you", he was making no sense at all but he wasn't even listening to you.

With a sigh you ran down to the lab where Tony had his cars. Before walking in you grabbed one of the keys and the typed the code before walking in. You stopped when you saw Tony leaned against one of the cars with an almost empty bottle of scotch in his hand and the phone against his ear.

You ran towards him and took the bottle from his hand so at least he wouldn't drink anymore. He looked at you, surprised to find you there and also surprised to be still conscious. He observed you as you threw the bottle away and then took the phone to hang up the phone.

"You love me?" He asked with a tone too serious for someone that drunk.

"Of course I do, Stark", you sighed not really knowing what to do. You had to take him to the bed but you couldn't carry him. A drunk smile appeared on his face.

"I love you too." He said.

After some minutes trying to figure out what to do and ignoring his stupid drunk but cute comments you decided to ask FRIDAY to wake Steve up. He could carry Tony and you didn't care about the teasing your boyfriend would get in the next few days. He deserved it for being such an idiot. When he finally was in bed and you had apologised to Steve a hundredth times, you were left alone with him.

Steve had also helped you to put him into the shower to sober him up so now he was walking out of the bathroom looking confused and lost.

"Go to bed", you whispered grabbing his arm softly.

He obeyed, obviously still drunk but not as much as before thanks to the shower, and laid down on the bed so you could cover him up. After putting his clothes on a chair you went back to bed, feeling honestly exhausted.

"(Y/N)..." you looked at him and bit your lip. He looked so weak in there and fragile. Slowly you moved towards him so he could hug you and hid his face in your neck.

Maybe he wanted to tell you something but soon soft snores started coming out from his mouth letting you know that he had fallen completely asleep. You had a hard time going back to sleep so you spent most of the rest of the night just looking at him and stroking his head until he opened his eyes again at noon.

You two spent a great time just looking at each other. After the previous day you didn't know what to say, it was too awkward and apparently he felt the same way. But finally he kissed one of your hands.

"I love you and...I'm lucky you love because I'm such an idiot asshole. A hot one. But an asshole..." he said. You smiled a little and rubbed his cheek slowly. "Forgive me. Please..." He whispered.

"It's forgiven. Really." You said.

He looked at you before leaning in to kiss you but you pulled away quickly.

"You're not kissing me with that smell until you brush your teeth", you said. He looked at you surprised before groaning and getting up from the bed to go to the bathroom.

"Damn woman..." he mumbled making you laugh but letting you know you both were back to normal.

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