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(Peter Parker x Reader)

Heres a link to my other Peter Story! (Its pretty bad.bc it corny af)

Warnings- Sad Spider-Boi. Mentions of death/trauma. Angst and then the fluffiest fluff. Set after infinity war and has flashbacks to infinity war.

Flashbacks are all in italics. (Y/N)- Your Name (Y/N/N)- Your Nickname (Y/H/N) - Your hero name (This is also my interpretation of what infinity war could do/cause.)

All that's pretty self explanatory...on we go.

"(y/n)! Get out of there!" Steve's voice run in my ear drums. It was almost deafening, I looking round with my hair falling into my face, sticking to my sweat covered face. Everything was being destroyed, everything. "Does anyone have eyes on Parker?" I asked, begging, 'Please, Please Peter has to be alright.' I told myself, pushing myself onto shaky legs. I turned, seeing Thanos walking towards me gauntlet in hand pointed at me, I had no fight left. I was tired, my body was heavy, the fear paralysing me. He laughed, coming close to me, throwing his fist back, glowing all sorts of colours. Before he flung it forwards, sending a blast at me. "(Y/N)!" I was blinded by a red and blue glint of metal. "Peter!" I screamed as he went for Thanos being slammed into the ground harshly. A scream ripped out my throat-

"(Y/N/N)! Wake up!" Peters voice, I felt a gentle grasp on my shoulders, opening my eyes to be met by a pair of warm brown ones. My room was dark, it was the middle of the night. I could faintly make the outline of things on the floor. The door being cracked open letting light from the hallway filter in, illuminating Peter. Peter. My heart rate began to go down, I pushed myself to sit up, looking at him, letting tears spill down my face.

"You were having another nightmare." he said softly, moving back from me and sitting beside me. He held his hand out for me, before I gently moved it into my lap, tracing the lines of his palm, just to try and calm myself. I wanted to speak, but it was as if my throat had closed up. "It's okay you know," He spoke in a voice that was barely above a whisper, "I still get them too. Some nights." He explained, Peter and I had a bond. We were best friends. We went through something traumatic together and now, we were one another's comfort blankets. "I-I thought you were dead." I whispered. keeping my eyes on his hand "I thought you died for me." I said again, guilt. Guilt was all i felt at the memories. "(Y/N/N) We talked about this-" Peter pulled his hand out from mine, moving it to my cheek, gently guiding my eyes to his face, "I was protecting you. It was my choice, if something happened. I couldn't let you die-I couldn't let someone else-" He choked on air. The incident had happened months ago, but all the fear, the loss and the pain, That was all still fresh.

"Tony!?" Peter was screaming, He watched as thanos came up on Iron Man, beating him to the side. The armour going limp against the ground. He skidded to his side. Breaking the mask open, "Mr S-Stark!" He yelled in a cry. Tony died protecting Peter. He looked up seeing Thanos approaching you. "(Y/N)!" He yelled. Diving out.

I reached up without thinking, "Its okay Pete.." I cooed to him softly. His eyes snapped to mine, "What would I do? What would I do (Y/N/N)?" he asked in a broken voice, eyes watering as I moved closer, sitting on my knees, his face between my palms. "What would you do, if what Peter?" I asked him, my voice still soft. His tears falling causing me to cry with him silently. "I don't know what I would do If I lost you. My best friend." He said, after clearing his throat and looking up at me. my thumb ran under his right eye, sweeping back a tear. His eyes stayed locked on mine. "You didn't lose me." I told him, the dark room becoming smaller, suddenly drawing me to lean closer to him. "What if next time something bad happens-" He began before I cut him off, "We'll Be Okay" I told him. We stayed like that for a few minutes, just staying close together. Before long, he nodded and got up, I walked him to my door, watching him go back to his room.

I turned slowly walking back to my bed, before I heard the door clicking open and Peter walked towards me. "Peter? What's wrong?" I asked him. Before he came up to me and crashed his lips against mine.

He pulled away and began stuttering an excuse "I-Im So-Sorry..I didn't mean to do that-I MEAN I DID-But i didn't think i'd do it–Oh god–Ive ruined the friendship-Please just-Oh my god-" He looked at me running his hands into his hair and looking at me wide eyed. "Pete-" I tried to cut him off "Have I ruined our friendship?!" he asked. I looked at him with a smile breaking onto my face.

"We'll Be Okay."

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