] come back to me [

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Summary: No one knows about the fiance of the famed Captain America, she is hidden away. She stays in the shadows as the Civil War raged outside and even stays put when her beloved soldier disappears afterwards.

Characters: Steve Rogers x Reader

Meanings: (Y/N)= Your name

Warnings: none

A/N: I'm gonna try this in the 3rd person cause I hardly do that.


The natural light wakes her each morning. The thin curtains can't block out the UV shop lights during the night, it can't block out the sunshine in the morning. But she had grown used to it. (Y/N) would never move now, the apartment meant too much to her. It held too many memories. It was her safe place.

Without rushing, (Y/N) drags herself out of bed, slipping on a dressing gown and a pair of fuzzy socks. The money she earned didbt cover everything, something had to go this month, and it was heating. Luckily, it was the end of spring, summer would come along soon enough.

Quickly rinsing her face with water, she tries to avoid her reflection. Ever since he left, her body had gotten smaller, weight falling off her like leaves off a tree in autumn. (Y/N) tried to convince herself that this was because she was saving up on food, her budget couldn't cover it. She made up a lot of excuses now.

No one knew of her affiliation with Captain America. Somehow she had even been kept a secret from his teammates. It was for her protection, that was easy to understand, though it was a lot to deal with. Steve would be the one to sneak around, how he did it was a mystery.

Every time she thought of him, her hand would automatically reach up to grip onto her engagement ring, which was on a necklace chain. (Y/N) didn't want to risk losing it. It was the last thing he gave her. He had been determined to make it romantic. Steve was able to get them out of the block of apartment without anyone seeing, taking her to the local park in the dead of night before proposing. They both knew that they had to do it like this to avoid suspicion, but ignored that.

As the kettle started boiling, the sound of letters coming through the door distracted her. It would just be bills, nothing interested. For some reason that day, after picking up the post, (Y/N) leaned against the door, staring around her home. Despite the lack of heat, it had a warmth to it. To anyone else, there would be no signs of Steve Rogers in this apartment, but to her, it was as if he was still living there.

Certain drawings and paintings of his were framed in the wall, weights that (Y/N) couldn't even attempt to lift was coated in dust in the corner of the room, a handmade recipe book lying on her kitchen counter. He had handwritten it all, listing his favourite recipes and new ones he found interesting. (Y/N) had never been one to cook much, until Steve came along, their third date was just then cooking, cliche but cute. There had been no motivation to cook any of those meals once he left.

(Y/N) wasn't a tea or coffee drinker, yet there were packets in a little box for Steve. She cradled the hot chocolate, appreciating the warmth radiating off it. Sipping it slowly, she trudged back to her room, getting back under the covers with her dressing gown still on. Silence filled the home. It didn't bother her anymore, she welcomed it.

As she placed the mug down on the bed, her eyes caught the corner of a sketchbook peeking out from under the bed. Bending down to pick it up, she recognised it. The couple bought it together, deciding to share it, both drawing whatever they wanted. That was something they had in common, their love for sketching. It didn't matter what it was they were drawing. Sometimes it was each other. Steve wasn't shy about his portraits of (Y/N), he would always show her; his fiance however was not like him, she was scared of what he would think, trying to hide the ripped out pages from him. Steve had found many pages of him, not telling (Y/N), secretly admiring them.

The day had gone by slowly. (Y/N) didn't have work, and although she never spoke to anyone there, it distracted her. Throughout days like these, the lonely woman found herself doing the same things; cleaning the entire apartment even if it was clean, reorganizing items in her home that were already in order and even moving furniture around to make the room look different before pushing it back to it's original place. It was a relief when night came, she could finally waste some time by sleeping.

(Y/N) remembered the first few weeks without Steve. Her mind wouldn't rest, it kept reminding her that he was gone. Never would she have a night with him, holding each other until they fell asleep. No more late night talks, no more waking up next to him. The sleep medication helped.

It was as if she had pressed the rewind button on a remote when she woke up. The same sad movie stuck I repeat. 'Here we go again' would be her first thought every morning. However, today was going to be a different movie.

The familiar feeling of her necklace was gone. Her hand shot to her neck, panicking as she tried to think where she could have left it. Sitting up in bed, her hands patted down the mattress, flipping over the pillows and shaking down the duvet. Nothing. There was no recollection of ever taking it off either. Quickly making her bed again, a glistening in her finger stopped her.

There it was. The ring she had been so determined to find, the ring Steve gave her. She stated at it for a few minutes, dumbfounded by the new location. She knew she wasn't going mad. Never had she taken it off since Steve left, not once. Maybe if she carried on with her day, she might remember how it happened

Heading straight to the kitchen to grab a drink, (Y/N) screamed as she saw a figure standing there. Her eyes widened as she recognised the tall frame and broad back. The man slowly turned around to face her, her gasp filling the silence. There he stood, her fiance, her solider. He was home.

"S-Steve?" she breathed out.

"I'm home." he said, holding out his arms.

Without hesitation, (Y/N) leapt into his embrace, tears suddenly pouring out of her. A part of her felt bad about how hard she was gripping him, her nails digging in, then remembered that it wouldn't matter to him.

"I'm sorry about the ring. I just needed to see it in it's rightful place." he whispered to her.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For coming back to me."

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