] shackled 4 [

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Loki didn't open his eyes, trying to hang on to the quickly fading dream he had been pulled out of. He had been back in Asgard, dancing at a banquet. He moved his hand and felt lace beneath his fingertips, his fingers moving absentmindedly to trace the intricate designs on the back of Y/N's dress. He couldn't say who he had been dancing with, but he knew that he was content in his dream, the other banquet guests fading into the background. He rubbed her back gently, and he felt her sigh beneath his hand. The woman had almost seemed transparent, like a ghost. Her features murky and indistinct, her hair colorless, swirling about them like mist. His fingers trailed up her spine and he twisted a lock of hair around them. The pleasant scent of coconut and vanilla drifted up into his nose.

With a sigh of his own, his eyes finally fluttered open as the last of the dream faded away. He went to take in a deep breath, but it was prevented by a weight on his chest. Looking down, he was greeted by a mess of Y/H/C hair resting on top of him. His breath caught and he tried in vain to calm his heartbeat, sure that she could hear its pace quicken, as her head was right above it. She was laying on him fully, on her stomach, her entire body pinning him to the couch. 'No, no, no,' Loki thought. 'Too close. Much too close."

They were on the couch, Loki on his back, Y/N on top of him. Her left hand, the hand that was still firmly shackled to the prince, was up by her face, and his was resting gently on top of it, his fingers curled around hers. His other hand was on her back, subconsciously tracing the patterns of the lace on her dress. He pulled both of his hands away quickly, prompting Y/N to grumble and turn her head, burying her face in Loki's chest. 'What do I do? Do I wake her, or do I let her sleep? Which decision would make her angry? Would she care either way? Of course she'd care. She'd care that she's laying on top of you, you have to wake her up!' he argued with himself.

Loki had been in this position before. Being a Prince of Asgard meant that Loki could have any man or woman that he wanted, and it wasn't uncommon for him to wake from one of his dalliances with his partner's head resting on his chest. That had been only their head, however, not their entire body, and this wasn't even the same circumstances. Loki had no idea how they'd gotten into this position, but he knew that it had to have been an accident. He didn't remember falling asleep, but he was sure that neither he nor Y/N would have agreed to this position.

He swore silently. The more he lay there with her on top of him, the less sure he became. Part of him wanted to wake her and push her off of him, to shatter their bonds and walk away, maybe even throw an insult or two over his shoulder as he went. He told himself he would be content if he never saw or spoke to her again. And yet, there was another part of him that was almost enjoying itself, that had enjoyed the brief moment she'd opened up to him and they'd conversed the night before. Not to mention that that had been the most peaceful sleep he'd had in centuries. 'No,' he thought. 'She's just a mortal girl, and this is by no means a romantic situation. It was an accident. She doesn't even know you're here.' Despite his brain's quiet protests, he found his hands lowering, one to rest on her back, the other to gently stroke her hair. 'What are you doing you fool? Stop it! You would lower yourself to find enjoyment in the company of a Midgardian? You are better than this! You are a prince of Asgard! A god! And she is nothing, just a tiny blip in your lifespan. Insignificant. Fragile. Fleeting.'

His thoughts were interrupted when she shifted beneath him, bringing the arm she was using as a pillow up beside his head to drape over the arm of the couch. The hand that rested on his chest clenched into a fist, gripping his shirt, and she stretched her legs out behind her, her hips grinding into his, eliciting a sharp groan from the god. She stretched out completely, mumbling, and opened her Y/E/C eyes, just barely. Her chin was resting on his chest now, and he gazed down into her beautifully deep irises.

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