] just an interview [

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Request by anon:

"Hi lovely! Could you write an imagine where the reader is Bruce Wayne's sister and she meets Clark Kent at a party? Clark asks her out but Bruce doesn't approve. So they go out in secret but he finds out and gets all over protective over her? Thanks in advance!"

Warnings: Fluff, swearing

Notes: Love this request!!


"At least try to look like you're enjoying yourself."

"This is me trying." You huffed back before pressing the champagne glass to your lips and taking a sip of the bubbly liquid.

"Well try harder then." Your brother retorted making you roll your eyes as he walked away to go talk to some rich snob. "Well try harder then." You mimicked under your breath before downing the rest of your champagne.

You didn't understand why your brother felt the need to drag you to every single event and party the two of you were invited to, but he did. Every time you complained about going he would say something about being a 'Wayne' and having a 'reputation' to uphold.

In your opinion your 'reputation' could suck it.

What made it even more annoying was that you were supposed to be going out tonight to celebrate a friends dinner. But of course your dear brother had to decide to hold a charity gala on the same night and there was no way you could miss that.

You let out a small huff of annoyance as you grabbed another flute from a waiter and began to sip on that. You were standing in one of the corners of the room observing everyone who was socialising and milling around the huge hall.

Your gaze came to a sudden stop when your eyes fell on a man making his way through the crowd. You recognised him immediately as Clark Kent. You gave him a once over and mentally decided he was the most attractive man you had ever layed eyes upon.

As if he sensed your gaze he turned around and the two of you locked eyes momentarily from across the room. A small smirk twitched up on your lips as the two of you eyed each other off. He licked his lips as he observed you from afar as you took a sip of your champagne.

Someone tapped him on the shoulder and he was forced to turn away and all too soon your eye contact was broken.

Clark was quick to finish his conversation but when he turned back to where you had been standing he was disappointed to see that you were no longer there. He looked around the large hall but could find no trace of you.

You were gone.

"Vodka with sparkling water and a dash of lime please."

The bartender nodded and began to concoct your drink for you immediately. You let out a sigh as you strummed your fingers against the wooden bar, painfully aware of every second that ticked by.

"Ms Wayne?"

You turned around and was pleasantly surprised to see none other than Clark Kent standing in front of you.

"Clark Kent." He introduced himself, sticking out his hand for you in greeting. "I know, I've read your articles in the Daily Planet." You answered as you delicately shook his hand and shot him a flirtatious smile.

"Oh, well actually I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions?" He asked as a blush crept up onto his cheeks.

"Shoot." You spoke as you looked up at him through your thick lashes. He nodded at your answer as he fumbled around in his pocket to find his voice recorder. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and pressed record and you noticed how his persona shifted from awkward to professional in the matter of seconds.

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