] let it all go [

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This idea came after I watched Justice League during its premiere and it just wouldn't leave and was further ignited after I watched Justice League again earlier with a couple of friends. But no worries, there aren't any spoilers. Mistakes are here and there but I hope you will still enjoy reading this!


Arthur looks at you from the corner of his eyes and he almost feels sad at the state you are in. Almost being the keyword. He is still a little bit annoyed that Bruce decided he needed a babysitter – he definitely didn't need any babysitter! He is perfectly capable of navigating both the lands and the waters on his own. The loud crackling of thunder sounds like music to his ears and he narrows his eyes at the sky – if they are lucky, they will get to the intended shelter before the heavy rain.

The quiet sneeze brings him out of his thoughts and Arthur looks at you over his shoulder. You look absolutely miserable and unlike him, you are probably not used to the crazy, cold weather. He eyes your clothes – you also probably did not take into account the weather being absolutely crazy here. Not that he would blame you; this area is only known to frequent visitors about how quickly it gets cold. Feeling sorry for your state, Arthur clears his throat. "Do you want to borrow my jacket?"

You are startled when you hear his voice and almost bumped into his back before you hastily stepped back. "Excuse me?" It took everything in you not to stutter through those words. The wind is really starting to feel very chilly and you absolutely regret not wearing something thicker.

Arthur raises one of his eyebrows before he repeats his question. You cross your arms and huff. "I am not cold." You state in a matter-of-fact tone.

Unfortunately for you, it probably would have looked convincing if the wind didn't blow causing you to shiver. Arthur lets out a bark of laughter before rolling his eyes. "So you are just shivering for no reason then?" He grunts as he takes off his jacket and drops it on top of your head, causing you to let out a small yelp of surprise. You definitely had not been expecting that!

"Put that on and let's hurry." Arthur turns to look back at the clouds; they are darker now and Arthur knows the longer the two of you stand around here, there is a high chance the both of you will not make it to the safe house dry.

You splutter incoherently as you grab his jacket off of your head and look at his retreating figure. Not wanting to be left behind, you immediately trail after him. You were contemplating on whether or not you should be wearing his jacket when the wind blew once more and you hastily put the jacket on, letting out a relieved sigh.

Unfortunately for you, despite Arthur's good deed, the rain decided to fall ridiculously heavily the moment the safe house is within distant. Arthur grabs your wrist and pulls you towards the safe house because of his superior skills in being able to navigate with this much water pouring down from the sky.

"Sorry about that." Arthur apologizes as he turns to look at you; if he thinks you looked miserable earlier, you are downright miserable now, looking like a down-trodden puppy. The corner of his lips lifted at that – an adorable, down-trodden looking puppy, his mind corrects him. "Let's go inside." Arthur turns to the padlock at the door and presses the passcode – a sigh of relief leaves his mouth when the door unlocks and he pushes the door open. "After you."

You look at him before shaking your head. At this point, you really just want to get out of your wet clothes and into something dry. You involuntarily shiver once more – the longer you stay in these wet clothes, the quicker you will get sick. You vaguely hear Arthur closing the door behind him. You ignore him briefly in favour of double checking the house and headed back to the front of the house where Arthur is currently at. "Seems safe; locks are all still in place and unfortunately for us, I don't think there is power." You had tried switching on the heater earlier but it didn't work at all.

"Better here than out there." Arthur tries to placate you and you slowly nod your head, getting distracted by the water that's glistening and rolling down his muscles. You immediately shake your head and try to rid those thoughts from your front of mind.

There is no denying that you are attracted to the Atlantean – other than the fact that he seems to have all of the characteristics of your ideal type fitted within him, Arthur is also a man who gets on your nerves too and it is not always in a bad way. Barry likes to joke about the heavy sexual tension between the two of you and you partly think Bruce made up this stupid mission just to get the two of you together – there is really no telling what goes on in his mind.

Still with the smirk plastered on his face, Arthur steps closer to you and with every step he takes, you take one step back until your back hits the wall and Arthur chuckles, sending a very delightful shiver run down your body. The fact that you are still wearing his jacket is really not helping at all – you look good enough to ravish. In fact, this is something that is long time coming and so Arthur leans down so that his face is really almost touching yours. The sharp intake of breath he hears from you somewhat pleases him and he can see the emotions running through your eyes – relieved when he takes notice that you don't exactly fear him or is disgusted by him.

Feeling his warm breath hitting your cheeks causes you to become aware just how close the both of you are and you can smell his scent – something that manages to turn your insides into a mush and you feel as if your brain just short-circuited. You lick your suddenly dry lips and you cannot help but notice how Arthur's gaze fell onto your lips so you lick them again. "Can you please not stand this close?" You murmur, cheeks flushing slightly at his close proximity.

Arthur smirks as he steps closer still, his nose brushing against your cheek in a very suggestive yet casual way and this causes you to involuntarily shiver. "Why?" He whispers hotly.

"Because I can't think straight with you this close!" You blurt out, making the mistake of placing both of your palms on his chest because the moment you did, Arthur grabs onto both of your wrists with his hands, pulling them away from his chest which in turn pulls you very close to him. You can feel the heat radiating off of him.

"Sweets, the last thing I am asking you to do is to think straight." You are about to retort when Arthur lower his face to kiss you deeply. He swallows the moan you let out and releases your wrists so he can place his arms on your hips, bringing you closer to him. He has been meaning to kiss you ever since you donned his jacket – Bruce's teasing words are ringing in his ears and he rolls his eyes. Your arms immediately wound around his head, running your fingers through his hair, lightly scratching his scalp and tugging on his hair.

Arthur's lips make their way from your mouth down to your neck, loving how well you are reacting to his kisses. Arthur pulls back after a while to stare at you – you look absolutely disheveled; your face is flush, lips swollen from the kisses the both of you have shared and he can see the hickeys he left on your skin beginning to appear and he feels oddly proud and possessive. Arthur growls before pressing his lips against yours, hard causing you to moan. He pulls away to look at you straight in the eyes. "Mine."

You would have laughed at the turn of events but Arthur's kisses had not only left you fazed but they have also left you breathless so all you can do is to lightly smack him causing the bigger man to chuckle before he releases his hold on you completely.

"Come on – I am sure we can look for the generator or gather a few things that can be burned; you are going to get sick if you stay in those wet clothes of yours." Arthur points out before turning around, padding slowly to the living room. You roll your eyes – Arthur really has such a weird way of showing his affections for you but today, you feel like you have understood him better: Arthur Curry is a man of actions. With a small smile on your face, you begin to follow after him.

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