] Cockblock [

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Summary: Sam and Nat decide it'd be funny to cockblock the former Winter Soldier after his girl returns from a long mission away.
Word count: 3.5k oops. (Sorry I got a lil carried away, this was just really fun to write tbh 😂)
Warnings: Smoooot (smut), don't read if you're underage pls.

"Fuck" Bucky groans under his breath as you roll your hips backwards, your ass rubbing against his stiff cock. His arms tighten around your waist as he buries his face into your hair, a needy whimper escaping the back of his throat. The sinful way you grinded your hips against him was driving him wild and what started out as spooning while watching a movie was quickly turning into something else as indicated by the heavy pants coming from the super soldier.

"Baby..." he breathes, one of his hands coming to rest on top of your hip. You stifle a groan, biting your lip as he pulls your hips tightly against him, pressing his cock against the soft flesh of your ass as he ruts into you. The grip you have on the arm still wrapped around you tightens, nails digging into his forearm as he grabs your breast and squeezes.

You had just gotten back from a mission earlier this morning. After a week apart and a few steamy photos sent between the two of you, the distance had definitely taken its toll. Bucky had insisted on some relaxation for you after your shower and you happily complied, your tired muscles seeming to loosen up already as he hugged you into him. However, things began to head a different direction when you accidentally wiggled your butt against Bucky's crotch whilst reaching for your phone on the table in front of you. The small moan from the supersoldier had shot straight to your core, making you freeze before he pulled you back against him, your breath hitching when he pressed an open mouth kiss to your neck.

"You're killin' me, doll," he groans, his grip on your hip tightening as you let out an unsteady breath. Turning your head, you capture his lips with yours, one hand coming to tangle in his hair as you rub your ass onto him once more, a soft moan making its way from your lips.

He turns you to face him, draping one of your legs over his hip, his arms wrapping around you once more. Pressing his lips back onto yours, he swallows your whimper as he rolls his hips into you, his hard cock brushing against your clit just right. A growl rumbles through his chest, the noises coming from you making him even harder as he rolls his hips again, wanting to hear more.

"Bucky..." you begin to say before a loud knocking interrupts you. Steve pokes his head in moments later.

"Guys, Fury wants us in the briefing room right now" the blond says, opening the door further to reveal Nat as well. "Said it's important and needs us all there immediately."

A loud groan sounds from beside you, followed by a thump as Bucky's head drops against the pillows. "That means no delays, Barnes." Natasha says, knowing smirk playing on her face as she shuts the door.

"Come on, Buck, you heard them, let's go," you say, trying to sit up, but Bucky just pulls you tighter against him. You bite your lip to stifle a giggle as the once menacing winter soldier pouts from beside you.

"What am I going to do with this?" He asks, gesturing downwards, and this time you do giggle, tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear affectionately. A smile tugs at your lips as he captures your hand in his, bringing it to his lips and pressing a kiss to your knuckles.

"We can finish this after, okay, baby?" You coo, going to press a kiss to his cheek. At the last moment, he turns his face, pressing his lips to yours. He nips at your bottom lip, arms tightening around you once again as he tries to deepen the kiss. Pulling back, you chuckle lightly at the super soldier, knowing this was one of his tricks (that worked most of the time).

"We gotta go, baby" you scold him affectionately, reaching back to pull his arm from around you as he lets out a whine. He knew he was being difficult, but when it came to you, he just couldn't help it.

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