] sweet dreams [

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prompt ↬ you have a nightmare and t'challa comforts you so you only have sweet dreams.

warnings ↬ just some fluff, mentions of nightmares :)

Your quiet murmuring stirs the King from his sleep and he sleepily blinks at your body moving around on top of the covers. As he wakes up a little more and listens closer, he can hear you whimpering, chanting something quietly under your breath. He blinks a few more times before his hands go to shake you awake, your whimpering only getting louder from there.

"Wake up, my Queen," he says, voice thick with sleep and worry. He shakes you harder, looking at you with concern when he sees wet tears run down your cheeks, eyelashes wet. "Were you having a night terror?"

All you can remember is your lover being taken away from you in the most brutal way possible, right before your eyes. You don't even answer-instead, you lunge yourself at him and hug him tightly when you realize he's still alive, warm and breathing in your bed, right next to you.

"T'Challa, please don't ever leave me." your voice cracks and he wraps an arm around you. You're in pain and that's one thing he hates the most. "Please, not like that..."

He didn't know what you were having a nightmare about, but by the way your body was quivering and you were sobbing gently into the crook of his neck, he could tell it was very bad. He lets you cry and pulls you away, just a bit, hands raising to brush the tears away from your brown skin.

"I would never leave you, sithandwa sam. Not in a thousand years." he reassures, his thick accent already calming you down. "How could you ever think I would leave someone as perfect as you are?"

You want to laugh at his flattery. He's the cutest thing in the world. "My nightmare... they t-took you from me. And I watched them... but I couldn't... I couldn't do anything about it..." you start, feeling a sob crawl up your throat. T'Challa shushes you, wiping more tears from your cheeks.

"No one is ever going to take me away from you, understand? I will not let it happen." he smiles warmly, gently lying you back down and pulling you close to him. "I must hold you from now on. That will certainly get rid of the night terrors."

"T'Challa, I don't think-"

"Shush. You don't want to wake up crying again in the middle of the night, now do you?"

You giggle and he smiles once again, kissing your forehead and lulling you back to sleep. And he's right, him being so closed to you gets rid of the nightmares, replacing them with the sweetest dreams instead.

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