] Asgardian Heir 2 [

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Thor led you to the golden castle in the middle of the city, you looked around in amazement. As much as you tried to be annoyed with your new assignment you couldn't help but enjoy the view.

"Y/n, there are many wondrous things that lay here in Asgard, and I'm sure you will have time to see them. I just want to fore warn you, my brother is not happy with this arrangement." Thor told you breaking the silence, as you followed him up the winding stairs chair case.

"As I told you, Thor, your brother doesn't scare me." You replied flatly.

"As you have said, I think you underestimate him." He replied stopping to look at you, his hand on the door handle to the intricate door. "We have fought together, Y/n, and I know you will do your best to keep my brother in line but he will fight back."

"The let him." You sighed, you had read the docket Fury had given you on Loki. You were well aware of what he was capable of. Thor slowly opened your door and you pleasantly surprised by the sight before you.

You did love and miss your home on earth but dear lord in heaven you could fit two of your apartments in the size of this one room. Your eyes were wide as you stepped in, the ceiling had have been twelve feet high. The room was some kind of dark wood, making it seem warm and inviting. The bed made a king size seem like a twin, and it had four corner posts with beautiful fabric hanging down.

You walked into the room in marvel, as huge armoire that held some clothes in it and a box of you own next to it on the floor. Large tapestries hung from the walls, and a balcony looking out over the city below. Sure it seemed like you had landed in a renaissance fair but at least they knew how to make a statement.

"Y/n, when your ready to come down, we are having a feast in your honor." Thor told you trying to keep his amusement out of his voice. He knew that you were rarely speechless or caught off guard.

"I'll be down down in a bit." You say absentmindedly, still taking in your surrounding.

"Just come down the stairs that I brought you and take a left, the hall will bring you to the dining hall." Thor explained before closing the doors behind him.

Later that evening you found yourself in the dining hall, every table held multiple Asgardians talking and laughing. They were dressed as they were as you had seen earlier, and you were still dressed as you had when you came.

"Y/n!" Thor's voice beloved above the rest, you smiled to yourself as he waved your over.

"Thor." You say trying to match his bravado, he extended his hand at the men before him. "These are my friends, Volstagg, Hogun, and Fandral. Men this is Y/n, here from Midgard to watch over my brother."

"Will she be capable?" The Robinhood look alike asked, before drinking out of a metal cup.

"I'll be more then capable of handling Loki." You reassure him.

"Lady..." you cut the man short with a wave of your hand.

"If you'd like to keep talking for the rest of the evening then do not call me Lady, Miss, Maiden, or anything other then my name." You warn him, glaring down at the seated man.

"Y/n, I mean no offense as I'm sure on Midgard you may be a warrior but Loki, he's of Asgard." He stated raising an eyebrow at you.

"I have dealt with worse men then him." You could understand where they were coming from but this lining of questioning your ability to babysit a grown man was being to get under your skin.

From a cross the room, hidden in the shadows you were being watched. Loki's face was tense as the rest of his body, it was an insult to his pride that he had a woman to watch him but a Midgardian at that was almost enough to set him over the roof. He watched as you joined Thor and the warriors three, he decided in that moment he was just going to toy with you till you broke and left back your own planet.

A slow wicked grin crossed his face as he thought of the multiple ways he was going to mess with you. He may not like this agreement his brother and Fury had hammered out but at least he could have a bit of fun in the mean time.

Loki finally stepped out of the shadows and walked a cross the room to the table the five of you sat at. He cleared his throat as he approached, five heads turn to look up.

This was the first time you had seen him, you had dealt with bigger and more formidable men then him. His lean body, clad in black leather, accents of gold and green peeked out from his clothes. His black hair hung loose and his piercing gaze looked down at you. You could see the anger in his eyes.

"Brother." His said slowly lifting his gaze from you.

"Loki, how nice of you to join us. Are you done sulking?" Thor asked with humor in his voice as he walked over and clapped him on the shoulder.

"I don't sulk." He stated, sitting down next to you, giving you another once over. You shifted unconsciously in your seat. "You must be the one they sent to keep on me."

"That I am. Y/n." You stated, not bothering to lift your hand to shake his.

"I'm going to let it be known I protest this agreement." He told you in a condescending tone.

"I don't care, it was the condition of your return to Asgard that someone from Shield is assigned to keep on eye on you. And here I am, your new babysitter." You smile sweetly at him, he glared at you and you saw his lip twitch at your sarcasm.

"Lady.." you cut him off like the other one.

"Do not call me Lady anything." You warn him.

"Lady y/n." Loki spoke even slower this time, you glared back him. The last thing you wanted was to fight him in a crowded room and yet next thing anyone knew was his face was pressed down on the table, you behind him holding his arm tightly behind his back.

"I will only tell you this one more time, laufeyson do not call me Lady." You say more sternly. You could feel him chuckle under your body as he turned his head to face his brother.

"Oh, she's feisty one Brother. I do enjoy the feisty ones." He spoke out before he dissipated beneath you. Quickly you brought your hands out to catch your body from slamming down on the table by his sudden disappearance. "We'll see how she does."

You spun on your heel to face him, both of you were inches from each other.

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