] drugged up [

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Warning: drugs, alcohol and a little bit of cursing. (Sorry I'm not good at warnings LOL)

Being Maria Hill's niece had it perks from time to time. She used to sneak you into all the parties Tony Stark threw since you turned 21. You remembered the first one of those parties, the first time you met the billionaire, philanthropic, playboy and genius Tony Stark. He was all of that and even more. He always took care of you during those parties, at least until he was too wasted and used to go to bed with some random girl.

Knowing when you started developing feelings towards him was impossible to know. You knew it was impossible. You were 23 years old and he was closer to being 40 than 30 already. Plus, your aunt would kill you. Just one day you realised how it hurt you to see him with all those model-looking girls and there was not coming back from that point. Actually, it only got worse and you even started to avoid those parties.

That was until you met Tessa. You and Tessa had to do a project together for university so you two ended up becoming really close. She was a kind, hardworking girl, so when she asked you if you could sneak her into one of Tony's parties for her birthday you couldn't deny it even when that would mean see him again.

María was also so happy when you asked him for an invitation to the party since it had been almost 6 months since you went to the last one. She was glad to give yours and Tessa's name to Tony so he could add them to the list. And with that, everything was settled. When you two were getting ready, suddenly Tessa closed the door of the room where you both where and smiled at you.

"What?" You said raising an eyebrow when you finished applying your eyeliner.

"Want to have some fun?" She whispered.

"We are going to a party so we're already going to have fun", you chuckled looking at your reflection again.

"Ok, more fun", she smirked.

Confused you turned to look at her as she walked to her purse, took something from it and walked to you. She opened her hand and when you looked down you saw two pills. They were blue and small. You looked at her with a frown. Definitely, you would have never expected this from that girl. Drugs?

"So? What do you think?" She smirked.

"I think you're crazy. I don't do drugs, thanks", you refused immediately.

"I didn't either, then I tried these little ones and oh honey, you will see the stars", she said. "C'mon! Live a little!"

You looked at her just when she had one of the pills and put the other one on the bedtable with a wink before exiting the room. You shook your head and kept on getting ready. That was dangerous and you had been raised to avoid all that kind of stuff. The only drug you allowed yourself to have was alcohol and only when you went out.

Finally, you two were ready and María was waiting for you out of your house. You walked to the bedtable to take your phone when you saw the pill again. Biting your lip you took it and looked at him frowning. You shouldn't and you were well aware of it but... it wouldn't hurt right? Just one. And never again. Taking a deep breath you just threw them into your mouth and swallowed before hurrying out of the room.

"How are you feeling?" You asked Tessa when you both got out of the car in front of the Stark Tower.

"Excited!" She said smiling widely. Her pupils were dilated and she looked kind of different but you still didn't feel different.

With a nod you walked in giving your name and your aunt's as well. As always, there was no problem and soon you were into the elevator going up. You thought you would be nervous but somehow you only felt some dizziness and excitation. It was a good feeling, a one you liked and one you knew it was because of that pill you had taken.

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