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summary: you meet him at church, he might just be satan | au

pairing: biker!bucky x reader

word count: 1722

warnings: smoking, mentions of religion, swearing

The fire of a thousand suns ignites you, your body basking in its light and desire that captures and captivates you, instantly. The feeling is like no other, nothing seems to compare to the endless heat you're in. Damn, Bucky damn, the way your body reacts to him. You want to cling to him, your body heat mixing with his, his lips gentle on your skin, his teeth raking with passion across your flesh leaving purple bruises in his wake. You want him to own you, to ruin you, to leave you breathless. Most of all you want him, Bucky.

There's no other that can make you feel the way you do right now. It's been hours since you last saw him, last felt his lips press against your flushed flesh. You need him now more than ever, with each touch, each gaze, each breath the more you become addicted to him. Even breathing his name aloud brings you the sort of the pleasure you know you should not be experiencing.

He's in your mind, wreaking havoc. In your dreams, in your nightmares, he's there without a fail. It's not the same without him here next to you.

In your head his hands encase you drawing you up against the wall, he's so rough yet gentle and it's all you want in life. His eyes drink in your appearance and Bucky can't help the groan that leaves his lips; it's so familiar, so real it feels as if he's there making you want to drop to your knees for him. You want him to kiss him - in both your dream and real life. You imagine it's like taking a breath for the first time, drowning in his ocean blissfully ignorant. You also imagine it's rough, his lips trying to consume as much you as they can tangling in your hair, on your face holding you tightly as he completely wrecks you.

These types of thoughts run wild around your head and it's all because of him.

The soft, deep moan that leaves your lips as you replay the moment Bucky's lips pressed against your cheek is unavoidable. He makes you succumb to your basic of instincts and desires even when he's not around. Bucky's a force to reckoned with for those mere reasons but you know there's danger deep in his bones, chaos running through his veins and it's those reasons that make him even more appealing and attractive.

You still don't if he's a god, an angel, a demon or the Devil. But what you do know, you're his.

The moan isn't a one time thing, no you can't help yourself as images of Bucky swirl around your head. You have to resist the urge to touch yourself to pretend he's there but you know that no touch will ever be as satisfying as his. You need his fire to set you alight and make you feel alive, it's only when you're near him do you feel like life is something really worth living.

You have to bite your lip in fruitless efforts to conceal your lust for Bucky, moans, whimpers threaten to spill over the surface and tumbles out down your lips. You honestly don't know how someone can do that to a person, Bucky leaves you a mess and you can't fathom how he does it so... effortlessly. Maybe it's you, so susceptible and easy to make drop to your knees and worship in a way that would get you locked out of heaven.

You can't stave off the feelings that haunt you and you can no longer keep him and his deep blue eyes that plague you away either. Bucky's the one you want and you can't wait to finally get what you want.

You need sleep but it's hard with the way your body craves Bucky with such intensity you can barely close your eyes without his bright burning fire reflecting in your orbs. You're restless and it's all because of him.

Sleep had finally taken you under its spell and the ache between your legs is diminishing but it comes back as quickly as it went away. The air in your room changes, it's warm and thick and makes your body slick with sweat. The atmosphere changes immediately, tension mounts in the air so much you can feel it before you wake up completely and when you do every part of you aches with such intensity you nearly beg for it to stop. You don't get the chance, your attention diverted by the sound of a small knock on your window.

You're still half asleep, wondering whether or not you're dreaming but then another knock fills your ears and suddenly you're wide awake. You don't think before you find yourself moving in the direction of the sound that rings in the air and you pray to god, any god that your mother hasn't heard the noise and is fast asleep.

You can't believe your luck, all of your silent prayers in the night had come true. Your eyes land on Bucky sat on the piece of the roof by your window smirking at you. You open the window immediately and say, "what are you doing here?" you ask not quite believing your eyes.

Bucky just smirks at you as his eyes wander over your attire, you're in nothing but a silk robe and fuck, do you look delicious. Bucky's eyes are black with lust and it makes you feel even more alive. "I had to see you, didn't I babygirl," Bucky exclaims before making his way through your window till he's standing in the midst of your room. Dreams really do come true and this was living proof of it.

You laugh not knowing what else to do because Bucky may just be unhinged and every part of you is revelling in it.

You quickly close the window as Bucky approaches his reaching out to you and pulling you into his arms. You wrap your arms around his neck as if it were instinct, a reflex, second nature. The smirk on Bucky's face grows as you do, loving the way your body responds to him, loving the way your natural instinct is to get closer to him.

Bucky's calloused hands find their way to the silk of your robe and your breath hitches in your throat. "This robe is beautiful babygirl but I'd like to see what's under it more," Bucky says and in that second you nearly drop to your knees ready to worship him and all that he can give you, all that you can take.

The fire, the lust in Bucky's eyes makes you grow bolder but most of all more desperate for him to consume you. "Then why don't you take a look?" you say drawing your body closer to Bucky till your body is pressed against his, he can feel everything - the silk of your robe is thin and he can feel the hardened peaks of your nipples and all Bucky can think about is taking them into his mouth and making you moan wildly,

He doesn't despite how much he wants to.

"Let me take you on a date first," is all Bucky says in reply despite how much he wants to rip the thin material to shreds and worship and devote himself to your body.

You smile at him, "I thought you were, did something change?" You ask but Bucky simply shakes his, one arm falling to your lower back dangerously close to the supple flesh he wants to turns red.

"No just making sure, you still want a date with a bad boy like me, babygirl," Bucky says and you shake your head smiling widely.

"Of course, who else would I want to make me a sinner," you say and Bucky smirks devilishly.

The next thing you know you're against your bedroom wall Bucky stalking you staring down at you as if he could devour you. He moves your hands so that his wrists have pinned them to the wall and then he leans forward. Bucky's lips press against your jaw the smell of smoke and cologne filling your nostrils and you hope it lingers on you as a reminder of him when he's not there.

Your head drops to the wall and your lips part a moan tumbling from your lips and Bucky can't help himself. He groans deep and guttural and all he wants to do is fuck you against the wall, fuck being diplomatic about it because all he wants to do is you writhe and scream his name. He wants to ruin you and he knows you want it too.

"Fuck!" Bucky exclaims not knowing what else to say or do because he knows if he does anything else he'll be making you scream so loud the entirety of the town will hear.

You know he's holding back and so are you but time for walking on edge is over now as your body reacts to his. "Say what you really want to," you say licking your lips at the way Bucky gazes down at you intensely.

First, he's shocked, taken back and then his signature smirk settles on his lips and he's the man that you want to worship. Bucky chuckles his laughter never quite reaching his hooded eyes that are jet black with lust but there are embers in them from the fire inside of him.

"Babygirl, if you're parents, weren't in the house I would fuck you so hard against this wall they'd be able to hear your screams a block away," Bucky says no longer holding back because he's been restrained for too long.

You don't let the way his words make you feel weak show on your face and instead you smirk just like him.

"I know and I'd let you," you reply smirking at Bucky's reaction.

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